Compare 1577 edition:
1 Whilest they
there remained, all the English|mens charges were borne by the French king, from their setting foorth from
Calis, till they came backe thither againe. As touching their treatie, manie things were proponed, diuerse
demands made, and some offers, though to small purpose, for they tooke not effect, insomuch as they departed
without con|cluding anie thing, further than that the [...]ruce which was to end at Midsummer next,
The truce prolonged for a yeare.
Thom. Wals.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Anon after the returne of the duke of Lancaster, and other the ambassadors that had béene at Amiens, a councell of the lords and chiefe states of the realme was called at Stamford,A councell at Stamford. the which (as if it had béene vnto a parlement) there came foorth of euerie good towne certeine persons appointed to deliberate and take aduise in so weightie a matter, as either to con|clude vpon peace, or else vpon warre. But in the end they brought little or nothing to passe, sauing that they agréed to haue the truce to indure for twelue moneths longer: both kings sware to obserue the same, afore such as were appointed to sée their othes receiued.The duke of Gelderland commeth into England. About the same time came the duke of Gel|derland into this realme, being the kings cousine, a right valiant and hardie gentleman: he was hono|rablie receiued and welcomed of the king, and of his vncles, the dukes of Lancaster and Glocester. This duke of Gelderland counselled the king not to con|clude peace, either with the Frenchmen or Scots,The duke of Gelderland dissuadeth the king from peace with the French and Scots. ex|cept vpon such conditions as might be knowne to be both profitable and honorable to him and his realme, promising that if he had occasion to make warre a|gainst either of those two nations, he would be rea|die to serue him with a conuenient power of men at armes of his countrie. After he had béene here a time, and highlie feasted and banketted, aswell by the king as other great estates of the realme, he retur|ned home, not without diuerse rich gifts.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The king about this season sent to the Londoners,The Londo|ners refuse to lend the king a thousand pounds. requesting to borrow of them the summe of one thousand pounds, which they vncourteouslie refused to lend: and moreouer they fell vpon an Italian or Lombard (as they termed him) whom they beat and néere hand slue: bicause he offered to lend the king that monie. Whereof when the king was aduertised, he was sore mooued against them, and calling togi|ther the most part of the péeres and noble men of his realme, declared vnto them the froward dealings of the Londoners, complaining sore of such their pre|sumption. The lords and great men, séeming not greatlie to fauour the Londoners, gaue counsell that the insolent pride of those presumptuous per|sons might with speed be repressed. The citizens of London in those daies (as should appeare) vsing their authoritie to the vttermost, had deuised and set foorth diuerse orders and constitutions to abridge the liber|tie of forreners that came to the citie to vtter their commodites. Religious men that wrote the dooings of that age, seemed also to find fault with them, for that they fauored Wicliffes opinions, & therefore did EEBO page image 478 charge them with infidelitie, and mainteining (I know not how) of Lollards & heretikes: but howso|euer the matter, went they fell at this present into the kings heauie displeasure.