Iohn Hastings knight, sonne of the last Henrie, was borne at Asleghe, in the yéere of our Lord 1262, and in the six & fortith yeare of the reigne of Henrie the third. This man after his fathers death did (in the yeare of our Lord 1274, and the second yeare of the reigne of Edward the first, being the kings ward) demand the execution of his office of the pantrie, at the coronation of queene Elianor wife to Edward the first, but could not execute the same by reason of his nonage, and also for that he was in ward to the said king. After, when he was growne to full yeares, there arose in the yeare of our Lord 1305, and in the thirtie third yeare of the reigne of Edward the first, great contention betweene Anto|nie Beake bishop of Durham, this Iohn Hastings, Iohn Balioll, and Robert Bruse, for the manors of Penrith, Castlesoure, Salgkill regis, Lange Worth|bie, Carlaton, and of Werkine Tinehale, whereof Henrie king of Scots (kinsman of the said Robert Bruse, Iohn Balioll, and Iohn Hastings, whose heire they were) died seized in his demesne of fee. In EEBO page image 469 which sutes after manie delaies made, and manie summons against the said bishop, the plée went with|out daie, bicause the bishop must go to Rome. But after his returne the sute being reuiued and continu|ed, it went once more without daie, bicause the king seized the same into his hands, and held it all the time of his reigne. These things thus doone, and Edward the first departed, this Iohn Hastings as yet not ha|stie to renew his sute of the land, but rather to exe|cute his right of the pantrie, did in the first yeare of Edward the second, demand the executing of that of|fice, at the coronation of the said Edward the second and Isabell his wife at Westminster, which he ob|teined, and laid the clothes and napkins in the great hall by him and other his knights, one the tables whereat the king, the quéene, and other great states should dine, which (according as I haue seene noted) was in this sort.
12.1. The order and number of clothes laied at the kings table, and how Iohn Hastings had them for his fee.
The order and number of clothes laied at the kings table, and how Iohn Hastings had them for his fee.
_AD altam sedem ipsius regis tres map|pas, & super alias mensas in eadem aula 28 mappas, vnde quaelibet pecia continebat 4, & in parua aula coram regina, & alibi in illa parua aula 14, quarũ quaelibet pecia continebat 3. Et dum fuerũt ad comestum, mappas per se & suos custodiebat, & post comestum illas trahebat, & deferre faciebat seruientes ad seruiendum, & istas cum suis loquelis [...]abebat sine voluntate vel cum voluntate, & eas de [...]inebat per totum festum coronationis, licèt pe|titae erant deliberatione, primò à senescallo regis, postea ab ipso rege, per quod idem rex praecepit do|mino Willielmo Martin, & alijs senescallis suis, quòd plenam & celerem iusticiam ei facerent, & deliberationem de mappis praedictis si fuerit faci|endum. Qui inde postea nihil facere voluerunt, aut non curauerunt toto festo coronationis prae|dictae, nec postea in congregationibus. Per quod po|stea dominus Iohannes de Hastings f [...]cit petitiones suas domino regi, & concilio suo, quòd feodum su|um mapparum praedictarum ei deliberaretur, pro vt ei de iure fuerit deliberandum. Et quòd fecit seru [...]tium suum debito modo, prout antecessor su|us fecit longo tempore Henrici regis, quando ha|buit feodum suum, tempore quãdo desponsauit Eli|onaram filiam comitis Prouinciae, tanquam perti|nens ad manerium suum de Asheley in comitatu North. pro vt patet in Memorandum ipsius regis in camero suo de scaccario diuersis locis in istis verbis.
* Williame de Hastinges tient demye fee de chiualer in Asheley du roy a fayre le seruice per seriante deestree pane|tre le roye, which is found in the fourth leafe of Che|ster beginning, Le counte Roger le Bigot, in the title of [...]schetes of seriantie in the countie of Northfolke. Touching which it is thus further found in the same place. * Henrie de Hastings tient en Asheley du roye per s [...]giante de la panetre, fo. Syesme. * Henrie de Hastings tient vn seriante de la panetre le roy en Asheley, & vaut [...] per an. [...]. sol. fol. 9. * Williame de Hastings tient vn fee de chiualer en Asheley sertante deestree despenser en le de|spons. le roy. fo. 4. * Henrie de Hastings tient vn terr en la ville de Asheley per le seruice deestree le despens [...].
Which petitions and all other petitions for his part of his land in the kings hands, by the censure made in the time of Henrie the 3, the said Iohn Hastings lord of Aburgauennie did pursue from parlement to [...]arlement, vntill the parlement holden at Yorke a [...]ter Michaelmas, where supplication was made to the king, by him and others, that he might remaine with the king in Gascoigne, as his steward or mar|shall: which if he would performe, all his forsaid pe|titions and all other petitions which were reasonable, should be granted vnto him. By occasion whereof he granted vnto the kings and the nobles request: so that the king would find him pledges due therefore, and that he might obteine iustice in his inheritances, and those his lawfull sutes, which had beene hitherto denied vnto him, which thing the king faithfullie pro|mised in euerie respect to be performed towards him: wherevpon he sailed into Gascoigne, in the yeare of Christ 1302, being the 31 of Edward the firs [...], the wednesdaie after the feast of S. Lucie. But for this faire shew, it séemeth he sped neuer the better: for which cause not being restored in the 34 yeare of Ed|ward the first, he pursued his sute afresh, and had from the king at Yorke this definitiue sentence, deli|uered by the mouth of Walter Langhton, then the kings treasuror (as I find by such notes as I haue séene) that he should séeke the records of the chance|rie, and bring them to the next parlement, which the said Iohn did. At what time he brought foorth the for|mer grant of Henrie the third, of the said lands gi|uen in recompense of his part of the earledome of Chester. After which yet it was agréed by the king and his councell for diuerse considerations (and most|lie (as I suppose) because he had refused to serue in Gascoigne, and onelie went as it were inforced) not|withstanding all that the said Iohn could alledge that he should take nothing for his petition, but fur|ther to be in the kings mercie for his false claime: the whole processe whereof I haue seene in an ancient written monument of French. All which (as I ga|ther) was done in the life of Edward the first (not|withstanding that I haue a little vnorderlie before treated of the executing of his office of the pantrie at the coronation of Edward the second, sonne to Edward the first) as may be confirmed by Piers Longtoft in these verses:
Et pour peril escheuer toutz apres promistKe Iean de Hastin cheualier e litEmerie de la Bret barone ne pas petitAlan [...] in Gascoigne touz sans contreditPour la terme attendue del trevis auant dit.