Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But now, as concerning the cause whie the shi|riffes were called hither,Why the shi|riffes of all shires were sent [...]or to the court. it was chéeflie to vnder|stand what power of men they might assure the king of, to serue him against the lords and barons, whome he tooke to be his enimies: and further, that where he meant to call a parlement verie shortlie, they should so vse the matter, that no knight might be chosen, but such as the king and his councell should name. But answer was made herevnto by the shiriffes, that the lords were so highlie beloued of the com|mons, that it laie not in their powers to assemble any great forces against the lords; and as for choosing the knights of the shires, they said that the com|mons would vndoubtedlie vse their ancient liber|ties, and priuileges, in choosing such as they thought meetest. But yet, after that the indictments were found, according to the desire of the king and his councellors, and that those which had béene called a|bout this matter, were licenced to depart home; the king and the duke of Ireland sent messengers into euerie part of the realme,Soldiers re|teined on all sides by the king against the lords. to reteine men of warre to assist them in the quarell against the lords, if néed were. Manie made answer, that sith they knew the lords to be faithfull and loiall to the king, euen from the bottome of their hearts, and were readie to stu|die, to deuise, and to doo all things that might tend to his honor, and wealth of the realme; they might not by anie meanes beare armour against them. But a great number of other, that tooke it that they were reteined for a good and necessarie purpose, promised to be readie, whensoeuer it should please the king to send for them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The lords being in this meane while aduertised of these dooings, were striken with great heauinesse, for that not knowing themselues (as they tooke it) giltie of anie offense, the king should thus seeke their de|struction. Herewith the duke of Glocester, meaning EEBO page image 458 to mitigate the kings displeasure, receiued a solemne oth before the bishop of London,The du [...]e of Glocest [...]rs procesta [...]ion vpon his oth. and diuerse other lords, protesting by the same oth, that he neuer ima|gined, nor went about any thing, to the kings hin|derance, but to his power had alwaies doone what he might to aduance the kings honor, prosperous state and good liking, except onelie that he had giuen no good countenance to the duke of Ireland, whom the king so much loued. And suerlie for that the said duke had dishonored his kinswoman, and the kings also, he was firmelie determined to reuenge that in|iurie vpon him; and herewith he besought the bishop of London to declare what his words were vnto the king.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The bishop comming to the king, made report of the duke of Glocesters protestation, confirmed with his oth, in such wise, as the king began somewhat to be persuaded that it was true. But when the earle of Suffolke perceiued that, fearing least the reconcilia|tion of the king and the duke his vncle should turne to his undooing, he began to speake against the duke, till the bishop bad him hold his peace; and told him, that it nothing became him to speake at all.Stout words of the bishop of London. And when the earle asked why so;
Bicause (said the bishop) thou wast in the last parlement condemned for an euill person, and one not worthie to liue, but onelie it plea|seth the king to shew thée fauour.The king offen|ded with the bishops presumptuous words, com|m [...]nded him to depart & get him home to his church, who foorthwith departed, and declared to the duke of Glocester what he had heard and séene. Herevpon, the great misliking that had beene afore time be|twixt the king and the lords, was now more vehe|mentlie increased, the duke of Ireland, the earle of Suffolke, the archbishop of Yorke, the lord chiefe iu|stice Robert Trisilian, and others, still procuring, stirring, and confirming the kings heauie displea|sure against the lords.