Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Whilest the siege continued before this fortresse, the seneshall of Guien departed from the campe, Gio. Villani. with eight hundred horssemen, and foure thousand footmen, purposing to win a castell, belonging to a nephue of the cardinall Della Motte, a twelue leagues distant from Aiguillon.The archde|con of Unfort. The archdeacon of Unfort, owner of that castell, went to the Rioll, where the earle of Derbie with his armie as then was lodged, to whome he made suit, to haue some power of men to rescue his castell. The earle appointed to him a sufficient number, both of horssemen, and also of English archers, with whome the said archdeacon rode all the night, and the next morning betimes, be|ing the one and thirtith of Iulie, they came to the ca|stell where the Frenchmen were arriued the daie be|fore, and had fiercelie assailed the castell, dooing their best to win it by force. But the Englishmen without anie delaie, immediatlie vpon their comming, set vpon the Frenchmen, and gaue them so sharpe and fierce battell, that in the end, the Frenchmen were discomfited:Frenchmen discomfited the seneshall with manie other gen|tlemen were taken prisoners, beside those that were slaine. To conclude, the number of them that were slaine, and taken prisoners in the whole, amounted to foure hundred horssemen, and two thousand footmen. Sir Godfrey de Harcourt being constreined to flée out of France, to auoid the French kings displea|sure, came ouer vnto the king of England, who recei|ued him verie ioifullie, for he was knowne to be a right valiant and a wise personage. He was brother to the earle of Harecourt, lord of saint Sauiour le Uicount, and of diuerse other townes in Norman|die. A little before that he fell into the French kings displeasure, he might haue doone with the king of France, more than anie other lord within that realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In this twentith yeare of his reigne,Additions to Adam Meri|muth. king Edward vpon complaint of the people made against puruei|ours of vittels for his houshold (the which vnder co|lour of their commissions, abused the same, in ta|king vp among the commons all manner of things that liked them, without making paiment for the same, further than the said commissions did allow them) he caused inquirie to be made of their misde|meanors, and such as were found to haue offended, of whome there was no small number, some of them were put to death on the gallowes,Purueiers punished. and other were fi|ned, so to teach the rest to deale more warilie in their businesse from thenceforth. ¶ About the same time,Iustices. he caused all the iustices within his dominions to re|nounce and giue ouer all their pensions, fées, and o|ther bribing benefits and rewards, which they vsed to receiue of the lords and great men of the land, as well prelats, as of them of the temporaltie, to the end that their hands being free from gifts, iustice might more fréelie haue course, and be of them dulie and vprightlie ministred.A parlement. Also this yeare in the Lent season, the king held a parlement at Westminster, and tooke into his hands all the profits, reuenues,Cardinals. and emoluments, which the cardinals held within this land: for he thought it not reason, that they which fa|uoured the pope and the French king, being his ad|uersaries, should inioy such commodities within his realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this, in the moneth of Iulie following, he tooke shipping, and sailed into Normandie, Froissard. The king pas|eth ouer into Normandie. hauing e|stablished the lord Percie, and the lord Neuill, to be wardens of his realme in his absence, with the arch|bishop of Yorke, the bishop of Lincolne, and the bi|shop of Duresme. The armie which he had ouer with him, Iohn Villani saith there were 2500 horsemen, and 30000 footmen and archers, that passed o|uer with the K. but when he commeth to speake of th [...] battell, he sée|meth to in|crease the number. was to the number of foure thousand men of armes, and ten thousand archers, beside Irishmen, & Welshmen, that folowed the host on foot. The chée|fest capteins that went ouer with him were these. First his eldest sonne Edward prince of Wales, be|ing as then about the age of thirtéene yeares, the earles of Hereford, Northampton, Arundell, Corne|wall, Huntington, Warwike, Suffolke, and Ox|ford; of barons the lord Mortimer, who was after erle of March, the lords, Iohn, Lewes, and Roger Bean|champe; also the lords Cobham, Mowbraie, Lucie, Basset, Barkeley, and Willoughbie, with diuerse o|ther lords, besides a great number of knights and other worthie capteins. They landed by the aduise of the lord Godfrey of Harecourt, in the Ile of Con|stantine, at the port of Hague saint Wast, néere to saint Sauiour le Uicount. The earle of Hunting|ton was appointed to be gouernour of the fléet by sea, hauing with him a hundred men of armes, and foure hundred archers.