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Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, the most part of the Englishmen de|parted from Uannes, as some with the countesse, to bring hir vnto Hanibout, and some with the earls of Salisburie, Suffolke, and Cornewall, who went and laid siege to Rennes, so that the earle of Richmond remained in Uannes, with the lords Spenser and Stafford, to keepe it, hauing a certeine number of archers and other men of warre with them. The lord Clisson, and sir Henrie de Leon, which were within Uannes, when it was taken by the Englishmen, and found means to escape, were abashed at the ma [...]ter, that they had so lost the citie, wherevpon they secret|lie assembled a great power of men thereabouts, and came againe vnto Uannes, and so fiercelie assai|led the gates and wals, that in the end they entred by more force. The earle of Richmond was sore hurt, but yet he escaped out at a posterne gate, and the lord Stafford with him, but the lord Spenser was taken by sir Henrie de Leon.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Other write otherwise, both of the landing, and also concerning the misfortune of the lord Spenser,Additions to Nic. Triuet. alledging letters sent from the earle of Northamp|ton (whome the same authors repute as generall of that armie into Britaine) directed to the king, in which was signified, how that within the octaues of the Assumption of our ladie, they ariued on the coast of Britaine, néere to the towne and castell of Brest, in the which the dutchesse of Britaine with hir chil|dren were of the enimies besieged, both by sea and land, by sea with thirtéene great gallies, by land by the lord Charles de Blois, the earls of Sauoie and Foiz. But the gallies perceiuing the English fleet to be approched vpon them, yer they were aware, so that they were compassed in, to their great danger, thrée EEBO page image 364 of the same gallies fled, and so escaped, the residue got vp into a riuer of the same hauen, where they that were aboord, left their vessels and fled to the land, and as well they, as the other that held siege before Brest and such as kept a castell there, not farre off, called Goule forrest, packed awaie without anie more adoo. The English mariners following the gallies (that were withdrawn vp the riuer) with their small boats and barges, set fire on the gallies, and so burnt them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus all the Englishmen came on land, and lea|ning the lord Saie capteine in the said castell of Goule forrest, they passe forward into the countrie, and comming to a castell commonlie called Mon|sieur Relix, gaue an assault thereto, where manie of their men of warre were wounded, and sir Iames Louell slaine. After this, staieng a time for the com|ming of their confederats, which after a fortnights space came to them on the mondaie, being the mor|row after Michaelmas daie, they heard that the lords Charles de Blois was comming in all hast with a power of thrée thousand men of armes, twelue hun|dred Genowaies, & a great multitude of commons to raise the siege. Whervpon the earle of Northamp|ton with his armie marched softlie towards them, and choosing a plot of ground conuenient for his pur|pose, fought with his enimies, slue and tooke of them at the least thrée hundred men of armes. The earle of Northampton lost not any noble man in this fight, the lord Edward Spenser onelie excepted.

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