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Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 Fourthlie, that he had got into his hands a great part of the kings treasure, and had wasted and consumed it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 Fiftlie, that he had impropried vnto him diuers wards that belonged vnto the king: and had béene more priuie with queene Isabell the kings mother, than stood either with Gods law, or the kings pleasure.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 These articles with other being prooued against him, he was adiudged by authoritie of the parlement to suffer death, and according therevnto, vpon saint Andrewes eeuen next insuing, he was at London drawne and hanged, Adam Me| [...]emuth. The earle of March exe|cuted. at the common place of executi|on, called in those daies The elmes, & now Tiborne, as in some bookes we find. His bodie remained two daies and two nights on the gallowes, and after taken downe was deliuered to the friers minors, who buried him in their church the morrow after he was deliuered to them, with great pompe and fune|rall exequies, although afterwards he was taken vp and carried vnto Wigmore, whereof he was lord. He came not to his answer in iudgement, no more than any other of the nobilitie had doone, since the death of Thomas earle of Lancaster.

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