Compare 1577 edition: 1 Amongst other things it was alledged; First that Hugh Spenser the sonne,Articles wher+with the ba|rons charged the Spẽsers. being on a time an|grie and displeased with the king, sought to allie and confederate himselfe with the lord Gifford of Bri|mesfield, and the lord Richard Gray to haue constrei|ned and forced the king by strong hand to haue fol|lowed his will and pleasure.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Secondlie it was alledged, that the said Spensers as well the father as the sonne, had caused the king to ride into Glocestershire, to oppresse and destroie the good people of his land, contrarie to the forme of the great charter.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thirdlie, that where the earle of Hereford, and the lord Mortimer of Wigmore, had gone against one Thlewillin Bren, who had raised a rebellion against the king in Glamorganshire, whiles the lands of the earle of Glocester were in the kings hands, the same Thlewillin yéelded himselfe to the said earle, and to the lord Mortimer, who brought him to the king, vp|on promise that he should haue the kings pardon, and so the king receiued him. But after that the said earle and lord Mortimer were out of the land, the Spensers taking to them roiall power, tooke the said Thlewillin and led him vnto Kardif, where after that the said Hugh Spenser the sonne had his pur|partie of the said earle of Glocesters lands, he cau|sed the said Thlewillin to be drawne, headed and quartered, to the discredit of the king, and of the said earle of Hereford and lord Mortimer, yea and con|trarie to the lawes and dignitie of the imperiall crowne.