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Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this season, Thom. Wals. the lord William de Bruce that in the marches of Wales enioied diuerse faire pos|sessions to him descended from his ancestors, but through want of good gouernement was run behind hand, offered to sell a certeine portion of his lands called Gowers land lieng in the marches there, vnto diuerse noble men that had their lands adioining to the same, as to the earle of Hereford, and to the two lords Mortimers, the vncle & nephue, albeit the lord Mowbraie that had maried the onelie daughter and heire of the lord Bruce, thought verelie in the end to haue had it, as due to his wife by right of inheri|tance. But at length (as vnhap would) Hugh Spen|ser the yoonger lord chamberleine, coueting that land (bicause it laie néere on each side to other lands that he had in those parts) found such means through the kings furtherance and helpe,The chéefe cause of the variance be|twixt ye lords and the Spẽ|sers. that he went awaie with the purchase, to the great displeasure of the other lords that had beene in hand to buie it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hereby such hartburning rose against the Spen|sers, that vpon complaint made by the erle of Here|ford vnto the earle of Lancaster, of their presumptu|ous dealing, by ruling all things about the king as séemed best to their likings, it was thought expedi|ent by the said earles that some remedie in time (if it were possible) should be prouided. Wherevpon the said earls of Lancaster and Hereford, with the lords Roger Tuchet, Roger Clifford, Iocelin Deieuille, Roger Bernsfield, the two Mortimers, Roger the vncle and Roger the nephue, William de Sullie, William de Elmbrige, Iohn Gifford of Brimes|field, and Henrie Tieis, all barons; the which with di|uerse other lords and knights, and men of name, as|sembling togither at Shierborne in Elmedone, sware each of them to stand by other, till they had a|mended the state of the realme. But yet notwith|standing this their oth, the most part of them after|wards forsaking the enterprise, submitted them|selues to the king.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Neuerthelesse, whether for that the king by a pro|clamation set foorth the sixteenth of March, had com|manded (as some write) that the lords Mowbraie, EEBO page image 326 Clifford, and Deieuille for disobeieng to make their personall appearance before him, should auoid the land within ten daies next insuing, or for that they meant with all speed to put their enterprise in execu|tion, we find that the earle of Hereford, the lords Mortimer, the vncle and nephue, the lord Roger Da|morie, the lord Iohn Mowbraie, the lord Hugh Aude|lie, and his sonne named also Hugh, the lord Clifford, the lord Iohn Gifford of Brimesfield, the lord Morice Berkeley, the lord Henrie Tieis, the lord Iohn Ma|trauers, with manie other that were alied togither, hauing the consent also of the earle of Lancaster, on the wednesdaie next after the feast of the Inuention of the crosse,The lords take armes vpon them against the Spensers. hauing with them to the number of eigth hundred men of armes, fiue hundred hoblers, and ten thousand men on foot, came with the kings banner spread vnto Newport in Wenloks lands, where they tooke the castell that belonged vnto the lord chamberleine Hugh Spenser the yoonger.

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