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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 G [...]ucellino and Flisco cardinals.Some write that the said sir Gilbert was put to death for robbing two cardinals, to wit, Gaucellino the popes chancellour, and Lucas de Flisco, that were sent from pope Iohn the two and twentith, to consecrate the foresaid Lewes Beaumont bishop of Durham, Thom. Walsi. and to intreat a peace betwixt the realms of England and Scotland, and also to make an a|gréement betwixt the king and the earle of Lanca|ster. The which being met with vpon Winglesdon moore in Yorkeshire by the said Gilbert, Fabian. Caxton. were robbed of such stuffe & treasure as they brought with them, but yet escaped themselues and came to Durham, and from thence sent messengers to Robert Bruce, Polydor. to persuade him to some agreement. But whereas he would not condescend to any reasonable conditions of peace at that time, they determined to go into Scotland to talke with him themselues: but before they came to the borders, king Robert, who iudged it not to stand with his profit to haue any peace in that season, sent certeine of his people to forbid the cardi|nals the entrie of his realme. The cardinals being thus iniuriouslie handled,The cursse pronounced against the Scots. pronounced the Scots by their legantine power accursed; and interdicted their whole realme. And bicause they saw nothing lesse than any hope to doo good with king Robert touching any composition or agreement to be had, they retur|ned againe to the pope, without any conclusion of that for the which they were sent.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After that Edward Bruce had atchiued such en|terprises in other parts of Ireland, Rich. South. as in the last yéere yee haue heard, he went vnto Fenath, and to Ske|res in Leinister, and there the lord cheefe iustice Ed|mund Butler rose against him, with the lord Iohn fitz Thomas, that was after erle of Kildare, sir Ar|nold Power, and diuerse other, with a great armie. But by reason of discord that chanced amongst them, they scaled their armie, and departed out of the field on the 26 daie of Februarie. Edward Bruce then burned the castell of Leis, and after returning into Ulnester, he besieged the castell of Knockfergus, and slue Thomas Mandeuile, and his brother Iohn, at a place called Down, as they came thither out of England. After this the foresaid Edward returned into Scotland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this season vittels were so scant and déere,A pitifull famine. and wheat and other graine brought to so high a price, that the poore people were constreined thorough fa|mine to eat the flesh of horsses, dogs, and other vile beasts, which is woonderfull to beléeue, Tho. Wals. Fabian. and yet for de|fault there died a great multitude of people in di|uers places of the land. Foure pence in bread of the courser sort would not suffice one man a daie. Wheat was sold at London for foure marks the quarter and aboue. Then after this dearth and scarsitie of vittels insued a great death and mortalitie of people,A sore morta|litie of people. so that what by warre of the Scots, and what by this mortalitie and death, the people of the land were woonderfullie wasted and consumed. O pitifull depo|pulation!

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