Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 That the king of England should make satis|faction for the French ships which his men had taken at the beginning of the war, Nic. Triuet. and that sundrie townes in Gascoine should be put into the popes hands, till it might be vnderstood vnto whome the right appertei|ned. But those two last articles tooke small effect, the French king refusing to deliuer any of those townes which he had gotten in possession. Moreouer, these messengers in the popes behalfe required the king that he would set Iohn Balioll,The popes request for the releasing to libertie of Iohn Balioll sometime king of Scotland at libertie, and restore those lands vnto his sonne Edward Balioll, which he ought to hold within the realme of England, promising and vnder|taking in the popes behalfe to preserue and saue the realme harmelesse from all hurt and damage that might insue by the deliuerie of the said Iohn Ba|lioll.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 King Edward vnderstanding that there was great danger in setting him at libertie,Iohn Balioll deliuered out of prison at the popes [...] was conten|ted to deliuer him vnto the pope, but he refused to make restitution vnto Balioll of the lands which he demanded. The popes ambassadours receiuing Iohn Balioll at king Edwards hands, tooke him ouer with him into France, and there left him in the custodie of the bishop of Cambrie, Polydor. He departet [...] this life. the popes deputie in that behalfe, where shortlie after he died. After this, accor|ding EEBO page image 309 to the couenants of agreement made betwixt the two kings of England and France, N. Triuet. the captiues vpon either part were deliuered. In the feast of the natiuitie of our Ladie,The king marieth the Frẽch kings sister. the king married the ladie Margaret sister to the French king at Canturburie with great solemnitie. About the feast of S. Mar|tine in winter the king held a parlement at Yorke, meaning to haue gone from thence into Scotland,A parlement at Yorke. to haue rescued the castell of Striueling, which the Scotishmen had besieged, and had it surrendred vn|to them, yer the king could set forward to come to raise the siege. The same yeare died Henrie Ne|warke archbishop of Yorke,The deceasse of the archbi|shop of Yorke. Anno Reg. 28. 1300 and Thomas Corbridge a doctour in diuinitie succeeded him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the eight and twentith yeare of his reigne, in the Christmasse season king Edward set foorth a pro|clamation, forbidding and prohibiting all forren coins to be receiued and paid as sterling monie with|in his dominion, Abington. A proclamati|on for monie. commanding by the same procla|mation, that two péeces of them should go for one sterling, vntill the feast of Easter. There were di|uerse monies in those daies currant within this realme, as pollards, crocards, staldings, eagles, leonines, sléepings, and all these were white mo|nies, artificiallie made of siluer, copper, and sulphur, so that it was an ill time for base monies, & much chop|ping and changing was vsed in buieng and selling of things.