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Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 First that king Edward being then a wid|dower should marrie the French kings sister named Margaret,The popes decrée of peace betwixt the kings of England & France. notwithstanding the degrées of consan|guinitie, for the which the pope would dispense.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 That the lord Edward the kings eldest sonne should at conuenient time take to wife the ladie Isa|bell the French kings daughter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 That the king of England should make satis|faction for the French ships which his men had taken at the beginning of the war, Nic. Triuet. and that sundrie townes in Gascoine should be put into the popes hands, till it might be vnderstood vnto whome the right appertei|ned. But those two last articles tooke small effect, the French king refusing to deliuer any of those townes which he had gotten in possession. Moreouer, these messengers in the popes behalfe required the king that he would set Iohn Balioll,The popes request for the releasing to libertie of Iohn Balioll sometime king of Scotland at libertie, and restore those lands vnto his sonne Edward Balioll, which he ought to hold within the realme of England, promising and vnder|taking in the popes behalfe to preserue and saue the realme harmelesse from all hurt and damage that might insue by the deliuerie of the said Iohn Ba|lioll.

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