Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Edward hauing made an end of his busi|nesse in Flanders,K. Edward returneth homeward [...] as before ye haue heard, returned EEBO page image 307 now towards England, and came to a towne called Ardenburge, where the most part of such Scotishmen as he had brought with him into Flanders slipped from him, and went vnto Paris. The king being re|turned into England, remooued the barons of the ex|cheker, and the iustices of the bench vnto Yorke, cal|ling a parlement thither, and gaue summons vnto the lords of Scotland to come to the same:The Scots s [...]mmoned to the parlement at Yorke, refu|sed to come. but ma|king default in their appearance, he sent foorth his commission and letters to warne his subiects to be readie with horsse and harnesse at Rockesborough in the feast of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist next in|suing.An armie rai|sed. They obeieng his commandement, assembled there at the day appointed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 There were in this armie now assembled at Roc|kesborough togither with those of the bishoprike, Abington. The number of men armed in this armie. a|bout three thousand men of armes mounted on bar|ded horsses, besides foure thousand other armed men on horssebacke without bards. There were also a great number of footmen, and yet none but such as came vpon their owne good willes, the which were almost all Welshmen or Irishmen.Welshmen and Irishmen. There came al|so afterwards fiue hundred men of armes well ap|parelled, furnished and mounted out of Gascoine, of the which a certeine number were sent to Berwike by the king:Gascoins. where after the battell fought with the Scots, they remained in garison. The earle of Here|ford, N. Triuet. and the earle Marshall were present with their retinues amongst other in this armie here assembled at Rockesborough, the which vpon suspicion concei|ued of that they had heard, thought it not sufficient to haue the kings letters patents touching the con|firmation of the two charters,The earles of Hereford and Marshall mis|trust the king. and other the articles aboue mentioned, signed by him, whilest he was out of the realme, and therefore required that he would now within his owne land confirme the same a|gaine. Here the bishop of Durham, Iohn earle of Surrie, William earle of Warwike, and Rafe erle of Glocester, vndertooke for the king, that after he had subdued his enimies, and should be againe re|turned into the realme, he should satisfie them in that behalfe, and confirme the same articles.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This doone, the king marching foorth with his ar|mie, came to Temple Histon, and sent foorth the bi|shop of Durham to take certeine castels therabouts,Castels woon by the bishop of Durham. as Orinton or (as some copies haue) Drilton, and o|ther two, which enterprise the bishop spéedilie accom|plished. The English fléet that should haue come from Berwike, and kept alongst the coast to haue furnished the armie with victuals, was staied and holden backe with contrarie winds, so that the armie began to be in great necessitie of victuals. The Sco|tishmen were aduertised hereof, and supposing that the Englishmen by reason of such want of victuals, had not béene able through féeblenesse to make anie great resistance, assembled their powers togither, and came towards the place where the king with his armie was lodged.