Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest these things were in hand, prince Edward the kings eldest son, and other, which had the rule of the realme in the kings absence, sought meanes to pacifie the earles Marshall and Hereford: N Triuet, The froward dealing of the erles of Here|ford & Mar|shall. but they would not agrée, but vpon such conditions as pleased themselues to prescribe, which were, that the king should confirme the ggeat charter, and the charter of EEBO page image 306 forrests, with certeine new articles to be included in the same great charter, and that from thenceforth the king should not charge his subiects so fréelie at his pleasure as before time he had doone, without consent of the states of parlement, and that he should pardon his displeasure and malice conceiued against them for denieng to go with him into Flanders. Manie other articles they would that the king should grant, confirme, pardon and establish. The which were all sent ouer into Flanders to the king, that he might peruse them, and declare whether he would agree or disagrée to the same. He as one being driuen to the wall, thought good to yeeld vnto the malice and iniqui|tie of the time, to reconcile the offended minds of the péeres and barons of his realme, and granted vnto all the said articles, confirming the same with his charter vnder his great seale. Abington. A subsidie granted. In consideration wher|of, the nobles of the realme and commons granted to the king the ninth penie of all their goods: the arch|bishop of Canturburie, with the cleargie of his pro|uince, the tenth penie; and the elect of Yorke and those of his prouince, granted the fift penie; towards the maintenance of the war against the Scots, bicause they were next vnto the danger.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king also by his speciall letters required the nobles of the realme, that if they continued in their due obedience to him, as they promised at his depar|ture out of the realme to doo, that then they should re|sort and appeare at his parlement,A parlement at Yorke. to begin at Yorke the morrow after the feast of saint Hilarie, without all excuse or delaie: for otherwise he would accompt them as enimies to the commonwelth of the realme. At which day appeared the earles of Warren and Glocester, with the countesse of Glocester his wife daughter to the king, the earles Marshall, Hereford, and Arundell, Guie sonne to the earle of Warwike in his fathers roome: and of barons, the lord Henrie Percie, the lord Iohn Wake, and the lord Iohn Se|graue, with manie of the nobilitie, the which being assembled togither, would that it should to all men be notified, in what manner the king had confirmed the great charter, and the charter of forrests: wherevpon the same being read with the articles therevnto ad|ded, Magna charta. and put in, the bishop of Carleill, adorned in pon|tificalibus, did pronounce all them accurssed, that went about to violate and breake the same. And bi|cause the Scotish lords appeared not, being summo|ned to be there, it was decreed that the armie should come togither at Newcastell vpon Tine, in the oc|taues of the feast of saint Hilarie next insuing, so that the generall musters might then and there be taken.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king laie the most part of this winter at Gant,Debate be|twixt ye kings men and the Gantners. in the which meane time there chanced sedition betwéene th' Englishmen & the Gantners, insomuch that the Welshmen had set fire on the towne, if the king had not staied the matter. But the Flemish writers saie, the Englishmen set fire in foure parts of the towne indéed, that they might the more frée|lie haue robbed in other parts thereof, whilest the townesmen had gone about to quench the fire. But the townesmen bent on reuenge, assembled togither in great numbers, and falling on the Englishmen slue thirtie of their horssemen, and of their footmen to the number of seuen hundred, or thereabouts. They had also slaine the king, if a knight of Flanders had not made shift to saue him. ¶ In déed (as should ap|peare by the same writers) the English footmen had doone much hurt in the countrie, and namelie one day they spoiled the towne of Dam, and slue two hundred worthie personages, who had yéelded them|selues to the king at his first comming into the coun|trie.