Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The kings answer therevnto was,The kings answer. that he could not alter any thing, without the aduise of his coun|cell, of the which part were alreadie passed ouer into Flanders, and part were at London; and therfore he required the said earles, that if they would not at|tend him in that iournie into Flanders, they would yet in his absence doo nothing that might be preiudi|ciall to the realme: for he trusted by Gods fauour to returne againe in safetie,The king [...] ouer [...] Flanders Abington. and set all things in good order. At length, about the 21 daie of August, the king tooke the sea, and landed in Flanders neere to Sluice, about the 27 day of the same moneth. He was no sooner on land, but that through old enuie and malice depending betwéene the mariners of the cinque ports, and them of Yermouth and other quar|ters, a quarell was picked, so that they fell togither,Debate [...] fighting [...] the [...] of [...] and [...] and fought on the water in such earnest sort, notwith|standing the kings commandement sent to the con|trarie, that there were 25 ships burnt and destroied of theirs of Yermouth, and other their partakers: al|so thrée of their greatest ships, part of the kings trea|sure being in one of them, were tolled foorth into the high sea, and quite conueied awaie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The king from Sluice first went to Bruges, la. Mei [...]. and after to Gaunt, finding the countrie in euill state, by reason that the good towns were not all of one mind: for diuers of them misliked with the dooings of the earle,Lisle [...] to the [...] king. in that he had alied himselfe with the French kings aduersaries. About the beginning of Septem|ber was Li [...]le yeelded vnto the French king, and af|ter that they of Doway, Curtray, and Bruges, did likewise submit themselues to the same king.Charle [...] [...] Ualois [...] to [...] Then was Charles earle of Ualois sent to Bruges to for|tifie that towne, and to take the English nauie that laie at anchor in the hauen of Dam: but the En|glishmen hauing warning thereof, got foorth with their vessels into the sea, and so the earle of Ualois be|ing disappointed of that preie, set in hand to fortifie Bruges and Dam. But the earle of Austrich, & Ro|bert de Neuers son to earle Guy, being sent with a power of Englishmen, Flemings, and other soul|diors vnto Dam, fought with the Frenchmen, slue foure hundreth of them, besides diuers that were ta|ken, and recouered the towne. They might also haue recouered Bruges, as was thought, if the English|men and Flemings had not fallen at strife, & fought togither about diuiding of the preie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Finallie, after this, the French king came to Bru|ges,The [...] Adul [...] [...] and when the king of England and the earle of Flanders had long looked and all in vaine for the em|peror Adulfe, who had promised to come to their aid with a great armie; for the charges and wages wher|of he had receiued great summes of monie both of the king of England, and also of the earle of Flan|ders: they concluded in the end (when they perceiued he would not come) to make some agreement with the French king: and so first was a truce taken, from the middest of October, vnto the calends of Decem|ber, and after by mediation of Charles (surnamed Claudius) king of Sicill, the same truce was prolon|ged EEBO page image 305 as hereafter ye shall heare.