Compare 1577 edition: 1 The cleargie by reason of a constitution ordeined and constituted the same yeare by pope Boniface, prohibiting vpon paine of excommunication,The preten|ded excuse of the cleargie. that no talages nor other exactions should be leuied or ex|acted of the cleargie in any manner of wise by secu|lar princes, or to be paid to them of things that per|teined to the church, vtterlie refused to grant any manner of aid to the king, towards the maintenance of his wars. Wherevpon the king, to the intent they should haue time to studie for a better answer, de|ferred the matter to an other parlement to be holden on the morrow after the feast of saint Hilarie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare after the feast of the Epiphanie, Anno Reg. 25. 1297 Eli|zabeth the kings daughter was married vnto king Iohn earle of Holland.The earle of Holland mar|rieth Eliza|beth the kings daughter. N. Triuet. Humfrey de Bohun earle of Hereford and Essex was sent to conueie them into Holland, there to take possession of the earledome, as then descended vnto the said Iohn, by the death of his father latelie before slaine by his owne subiects, bi|cause he would haue disherited this Iohn, and made a bastard sonne which he had to be his heire. ¶ The day appointed for the parlement to be holden at Lon|don being come, and the cleargie continuing in their deniall to grant any subsidie, the king excluded them out of his protection, for the redeeming whereof, ma|nie by themselues, and manie by mediators, did af|terwards giue vnto the king a fift part of all their goods. The archbishop of Canturburie being found stiffe in the matter, the king seized all his lands, and commanded all such debts as were found of his in the rolles of the excheker, to be leuied with all spéed of his goods and cattell. Some write, that when the archbishop of Canturburie in name of all the resi|due, Abington. The archbi|shop his words. had declared to them whom the king had appoin|ted commissioners to receiue the answer, that where|as they of the cleargie had two souereigne lords and gouernours, the one in spirituall matters and the o|ther in temporall, yet they ought rather to obeie their spirituall gouernour than their temporall. Neuer|thelesse, to satisfie the kings pleasure, they would EEBO page image 302 of their owne charges send to the pope, that by his li|cence and permission, they might grant the king some aid, or else receiue some answer from him, what to doo therein:
for (saith the archbishop) we beléeue that the king feareth the sentence of excommunication, and would be as glad to auoid it as we.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the commissioners heard this answer, they required that they would appoint some of their owne companie to beare this message vnto the king, for they durst not report it to him: which being doone as the commissioners had required, the king in his fu|rie procéeded against them, in such rigorous manner as ye haue heard, in somuch that the lord chéefe iustice sitting vpon the bench,The declarati+on of the lord chéefe iustice. spake openlie these words;
You sirs that be attornies of my lords the archbi|shops, bishops, abbats, priors, and all other the clear|gie, declare vnto your masters, and tell them, that from hencefoorth there shall no iustice be doone vnto them in the kings court for any manner of thing, al|though neuer so heinous wrong be doone vnto them: but iustice shall be had against them, to euerie one that will complaine and require to haue it.