Compare 1577 edition: 1 Those Englishmen that kept the towne of Burg,Burg desie|ged. being compassed about with a siege by Mounseur de Sully, obteined truce for a certeine space, during the which they sent vnto Blaines for some reléefe of vit|tels, and where other refused to bring vp a ship loden with vittels, which was there prepared,The lord Si|mon de Mon|tagew his en|terprise to res|cue the garri|son of Burg. the lord Si|mon de Montagew, a right valiant chéefetaine, and a wise, tooke vpon him the enterprise, and through the middle of the French gallies, which were placed in the riuer to stop that no ship should passe towards that towne, by helpe of a prosperous wind, he got in|to the hauen of Burg, and so relieued them within of their want of vittels, by meanes whereof, Moun|seur de Sully brake vp his siege,The siege is raised. and returned into France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the meane time,The king of England con|cludeth [...] league with the earle of Flanders. He conclu|deth a league also with the earle of Bar. The earle of Bar inuadeth Champaigne. king Edward not sléeping his businesse, procured Guie earle of Flanders to ioine with him in league against the Frenchmen. This Guie was the son of Margaret countesse of Flan|ders, whom she had by hir second husband William lord of Dampire in Burstoine. Also king Edward procured Henrie earle of Bar, to whome (as before ye haue heard) he had giuen his daughter Eleanor in marriage, to make warre vpon the Frenchmen, so that at one time the erle of Bar inuaded the coun|trie of Champaigne, and the earle of Flanders made incursions vpon those countries of France which ioine vnto Flanders. King Philip hereof aduerti|sed, sent forth one Walter de Cressie with a great armie against the earle of Bar, so that besieging the cheefest towne of Bar, he constreined the said earle to leaue off his enterprise in Champaigne, and to re|turne home, for doubt to lose more there than hee should win abroad.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But now to touch more at large the circumstan|ces of the occasion that mooued the earle of Flan|ders to make war against the French king.A mariage concluded. I find (in Iacob Meir) that there was a marriage conclu|ded betwixt the lord Edward the eldest son of king Edward, and the ladie Philip daughter to the fore|said Guie earle of Flanders, which marriage was concluded by Henrie bishop of Lincolne, and the EEBO page image 297 earle Warren, being sent ouer as ambassadours by king Edward, vnto the said earle Guie for the same purpose.The earle of Flanders arrested. In the yeare following, the said earle of Flanders, togither with his wife, comming to visit the French king at Corbeill, were arrested, and sent to Paris, there to remaine as prisoners, bicause that the earle had affianced his daughter to the French kings aduersarie, without his licence: neither might they be deliuered, till by mediation of the pope (who must néeds meddle in the matter by vertue of his peremptorie power, & all christendome must veile the bonnet to his holinesse, or rather abhominablenesse,
and suertie had vpon the promise of Amedie earle of Sauoy,The pope in|termedleth in the matter. they were set at libertie, with these conditi|ons, that they should deliuer into the French kings hands their daughter, which was so affianced vnto K. Edwards sonne, and further couenanted, not to con|clude any league with the king of England, but in all points t'obserue a certeine peace which was con|cluded with Ferdinando earle of Flanders,The earle of Flanders forced to a|gree with the French king. in the yeare 1225. And if earle Guie brake the same peace, then should he be excommunicated, and all his coun|trie of Flanders interdicted by the archbishop of Reims, and the bishop of Senlis, iudges appointed herein by authoritie of the pope.Ille etenim toto sese iubet orbe colendum,Cui nisi parueris, crede perire licet)