Compare 1577 edition: 1 The article concerning Owen.As concerning Owen, through the kings fauour he was deliuered out of prison, by force of the arti|cles concluded at this present by the commissioners, vnder this forme and maner: that vpon his being set at libertie, certeine persons appointed by the king should make offer to him, to choose whether he would first compound with his brother, and therevpon come to the king, and beseech him to allow the composition, or else to put himselfe vnder the safe kéeping of the king, till according to the lawes and customes of Wales, in the place where he did transgresse, iudge|ment should be giuen of the matter: and if he were acquit, then might he demand his heritage if he thought it so expedient: and which of these two waies he should choose, the same should be made firme and stable in the kings presence.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 All these articles, with other additions, were accor|ded by the said cõmissioners at Aberconweie, on the tuesdaie before the feast of S. Martine, in the yeare 1277, and letters of confirmation made thereof by the king, dated at Rutland on the tenth daie of No|uember, in the fift yéere of his reigne. Also the said Leolin, by the name of Leolin ap Griffin prince of Wales, with letters vnder his seale, confirmed the abouesaid articles on his behalfe, for the releasing of his right to the foure cantreds and other things that should remaine to the king, which letters bare date at Aberconweie, on the foresaid tuesdaie in the said yeere 1277. Also the K. released to the said Leolin, the said summe of fiftie thousand pounds, and the said summe of a thousand marks yéerelie to be paid for the Ile of Angles [...]y, as by his letters dated at Rut|land on the said 10 daie of Nouember in the said fift yéere of his reigne more at large it appéereth. Neuer|thelesse by his letters dated at Rutland, on the said e|leuenth of the said month of Nouember, it is euident that he receiued of the said Leolin the summe of two thousand marks sterling, by the hands of Thomas Beke kéeper of his wardrobe.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer,The castell of Lamperde|uaur built. the king in the west part of Wales built at the same time a castle at Lamperdeuaur, to kéepe vnder the rebellious attempts of the Welshmen. King Edward gaue in mariage by waie of restituti|on to the fore-remembred Leolin prince of Wales the earle of Leicesters daughter, Anno. Reg. 6. 1278 which was taken (as ye haue heard) at the Ile of SillieLeolins wife restored to hir husband. He also bare all the charges of the feast at the daie of the marriage, and honored the same with the presence of himselfe and the queene. ¶ A subsidie of the twentieth part of euerie mans goods was granted to the king to|wards his charges susteined in the Welsh warres. Moreouer, in the sixt yéere of his reigne K. Edward held a parlement at Glocester,Statutes of Glocester. in the which were cer|teine acts and statutes made for the wealth and good gouernment of the realme, which vnto this daie are called the statutes of Glocester. ¶Alexander king of Scots came into England, to common with K. Edward, of matters touching his kingdome of Scotland. ¶Shortlie after king Edward went ouer into France, and there receiued certeine townes that were restored to him, but not the moitie of those that were promised to his father, when he released his title vnto the dutchie of Normandie.