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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the said kings time also there liued other lear|ned men, as these; Hugh Kirkestéed, Richard of Elie, Peter Henham, Iohn Giles or de Sancto Egidio an excellent physician, Caducan a Welshman borne and bishop of Bangor, Alexander a singular learned man that wrote diuerse and manie treatises aswell in diuinitie as philosophie and humanitie, both in verse and prose; also Stephan Langton, that for his singular knowledge was made high chancel|lor of the vniuersitie of Paris, and at length was ad|mitted archbishop of Canturburie, against the will of king Iohn, in which quarell so great trouble insu|ed, as before yée haue partlie heard; Rafe Coggeshall also liued in king Henries daies, that wrote the ap|pendix vnto the chronicle of Ralfe Niger, he was abbat of Coggeshall abbeie in Essex, whereof he tooke his surname; William Lanthonie, Peter of S. Sauior, a canon of the house called S. Sauior, or of the trinitie by London; Alexander Hailes a fri|er of the order of the minors, who wrote manie trea|tises in diuinitie; Richard surnamed Medicus a most learned physician, and no lesse expert in philosophie and the mathematicals. There be also remembred by maister Bale, Randulfe the earle of Chester, the third and last of that name, who hauing great knowledge and vnderstanding in the lawes of this land, compi|led a booke of the same lawes, as a witnesse of his great skill therein: Alexander Wendocke bishop of Chester, Iohn Blund, Edmund Rich, Robert Rich, Henrie Bracton, that excellent lawier, who wrote the booke commonlie called Bracton after his name, in|tituled De consuetudinibus Anglicanis; Richard surna|med Theologus, Walter de Euesham, Ralfe Fres|borne, Laurence Somercote, brother as it is thought to Robert Somercote, at that time a cardinall of the Romane church; Nicholas Fernham a physician, Robert Bacon a notable diuine, Simon Langton, brother to the archbishop of Canturburie Stephan Langton; Richard Fisaker, Simon Stokes, Iohn of Kent or Kantianus, William Shirwood, Michaell Blaunpaine, Iohn Godard, Uincent of Couentrie, Alberike Ueer, Richard Wich, Iohn Basing aliàs de Basingstoke, Roger Walsham, William Sening|ham, Robert Grosted that learned bishop of Lin|colne, whose memorie amongst the learned will re|maine while the world lasteth.

Thus farre Henrie the third.
EEBO page image 277

Edward the first, surnamed Long|shanks, the eldest sonne of Henrie the third.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _EDward, the first of that name after the conquest, be|gan his reigne ouer this king|dome of England,1272 Anno Reg. 1. the 16 day of Nouember, in the yeere of the world, 5239, of our Lord 1272, of the Saxons 814, af|ter the conquest 206, the va|ration of the empire after the deceasse of Frederike the second as yet induring (though shortlie after in the yeare next following, Radulfe of Habspurge was elected emperour) in the third yeare of Philip the third then reigning in France, and Alexander the third yet liuing in gouernement of the Scotish kingdome.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This Edward the first, when his father died, be|ing about the age of 35 yeares, was as then in the holie land, or rather in his iournie homewards: but wheresoeuer he was at that present, the nobles of the land, after his father was departed this life, assem|bled at the new temple in London, Matth. West. A new seale made. and causing a new seale to be made, they ordeined faithfull mini|sters and officers, which should haue the treasure in kéeping, and the administration of iustice for the maintenance of peace and tranquillitie within the land, and on the 22 day of Nouember he was pro|claimed king. Chro. Dun. Who after he had remained a time in the holie land, and perceiued himselfe destitute of such aid as he looked for at the hands both of the Christians and Tartarians, Matt. Westm. he left in the citie of Acon certeine stipendarie souldiers, and taking the sea sailed home|wards, arriuing first in Sicill, where, of Charles K. of that land he was honorablie receiued and conuei|ed, till he came vnto Ciuita Vecchia in Italie, where pope Gregorie as then laie with his court, of whome (as of his old fréend that had been with him in the ho|lie land) he obteined that earle Aldebrandino Rosso, and Guy of Montfort, that had murthered the lord Henrie, eldest sonne to Richard king of Almaine, might be sent for. Earle Aldebrandino purged him|selfe,Guy de Mõt|fort excom|municated. but Guy de Montfort was excõmunicated, as a violator of the church, a murderer and a traitor, so as he was disherited euen unto the fourth genera|tion, till he had reconciled himselfe to the church, as he was inioined.

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