Compare 1577 edition: 1 Prince Edward in passing through the forrest of Aulton, got sight of sir Adam Gurdon one of the dis|herited men,Adam Gur|don. with whome he coped and tooke him prisoner with his owne hand, yet sauing him, and par|doning the offense of rebellion, Matth. Westm. in respect of the vali|ancie which he tried by proofe to rest in him: but his soldiers and complices being there taken, he caused to be hanged vpon trées within the same forrest. Ro|bert earle Ferrers contrarie to his oth of late recei|ued, accompanied with the lord d'Euille and others, did much hurt by way of open war against the kings freends in the north parts. Against whom the lord Henrie, sonne to the king of Almaine was sent with a great power: the which comming to Chesterfield fell vpon his enimies in such wise on the sudden,The battell of Chesterfield. that they had not time to arme themselues, and so were distressed and ouercome.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Yet the lord Iohn d'Euille brake out, and incoun|tring with sir Gilbert Hansard, ouerthrew him, and escaped out of danger. Great slaughter was made on ech hand, and in the meane while the Nobles and gentlemen sought to get out of perill by flight. The earle of Darbie got into a church, but he was descri|ed by a woman, and so was taken. There were ma|nie other also taken: & amongst them the lord Bald|wine Wake, and sir Iohn de la Haie with much paine escaped. This battell was foughten about the midst of Maie, or vpon Whitsun éeue, as the Chroni|cle of Dunstable saith. Those that escaped, as the lord Iohn d'Euille and others, Euersden. gaue not ouer yet, but as|sembling themselues togither in companies, kéeping within woods and other desert places, brake out of|tentimes, and did much mischéefe. On the ninth of August they tooke the Ile of Elie, and so strengthned it, that they held it a long time after, spoiling and rob|bing the countries round about them, as Norffolke, Suffolke, and Cambridgeshire.
Compare 1577 edition:
4 The bishop of
Elie had vndertaken to keepe the Ile to the kings vse, but being now dispossessed ther|of, he got him awaie
and fell to cursing them that were thus entred against his will, but they séemed to passe litle vpon his
thundering excommunications. On the 16 of December,Norwich [...]cked. they came to the citie of Norwich; and spoiling it, tooke manie of the wealthie
citizens, and ransomed them at great summes of monie. The lord Henrie Hastings and Simon de Pateshull, with
diuerse others, got them into the ca|stell of Killingworth, and dailie went foorth at their pleasures,
spoiling and wasting the townes about them, or causing them to fine with them to be spared.
Chron. Du [...]
And this they forced not to doo, although the lord Ed|mund the kings sonne laie in Warwike, to cut
them short of such their licentious doings. The king ther|fore mening to haue the said castels of
Killingworth by force,
The siege of Killingworth castell begin|neth. The lord Hastings.