Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But now touching the barons, they procéeded in their businesse which they had in hand with all earnest diligence, of whome these were the chéefe that vnder|tooke this matter: yoong Humfrie de Boun, the lord Henrie son to the king of Almaine,The baron [...] that ros [...] a|gainst the king. Henrie Mont|ford, Hugh Spenser, Baldwin Wake, Gilbert Gif|ford, Richard Gray, Iohn Ros, William Marmion, Henrie Hastings, Haimon le Strange, Iohn Fitz Iohn, Godfrey Lucie, Nicholas Segraue, Roger de Leiborne, Iohn Uesie, Roger de Clifford, Iohn de Uaus, Gilbert de Clare, Gilbert de Lacie, and Ro|bert Uepont, the which with one generall consent e|lected for their chéefe capteins and generall gouer|nours, Simon de Mountfort earle of Leicester,Their chéefe capteins. Gil|bert of Clare earle of Glocester, and Robert Fer|reis earle of Darbie, and Iohn earle of Warren. On the kings part these persons are named to stand with him against the other. First, Roger Bigod erle of Norffolke and Suffolke,The baron [...] that tooke part with the king. Humfrie de Boun earle of Hereford, Hugh Bigod lord cheefe iustice, Philip Basset, William de Ualence, Geffrey de Lucignan, Peter de Sauoy, Robert Walrand, Iohn Mansell, Geffrey Langley, Iohn Gray, William Latimer, Henrie Percie, and manie other. The barons not|withstanding hauing assembled their powers, resol|ued to go through with their purpose.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The first enterprise they made was at Hereford,Risanger no|teth this to be 1264. where they tooke the bishop of that sée named Iohn Breton, and as manie of his canons as were stran|gers borne. After this they tooke sir Matthew de Be|zilles shiriffe of Glocester, a stranger borne; and kée|ping on their waie towards London with baners displaied, so manie as came within their reach,The barons make hauoc [...] whom they knew to be against the maintenance of the sta|tutes of Oxford, they spoiled them of their houses, robbed them of their goods, and imprisoned their bo|dies, hauing no regard whether they were spirituall men or temporall. In diuerse of the kings castels they placed such capteins and soldiers as they thought conuenient, [...] placed others whom they either knew or suspected to be aduersaries to their purpose.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About Midsummer when they drew néere to Lon|don, they sent a letter to the maior and aldermen vn|der the seale of the earle of Leicester, willing to vn|derstand whether they woul [...] [...]bserue the acts and sta|t [...]tes establish [...]d at Oxford, or else aid and assist such persons as meant the breath of the same. And here|with they sent vnto them [...] copie of those articles, with a prouiso, that if any of them were preiudiciall, or in any wife hurtfull to the realme and common|wealth, that then the same by the aduise of discré [...]t persons should be amended and reformed. The maior bare this letter and the copie of the articles vnto the king, who in this meane time remained in the towre of London togither with the quéene and the king of Almaine, latelie returned out of Almaine; also his sonne prince Edward, and manie other of his coun|cell. The king asked of the maior what he thought of those articles? Who made such answer as the king EEBO page image 265 séemed well pleased therewith, and so permitted the maior to returne againe into the citie,The diligence o [...] the lord ma|i [...]r of London. who toke much paine in keeping the citie in good quiet now in that dangerous time.