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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the 41 yeare of the reigne of king Henrie, his brother Richard earle of Cornewall was elected em|perour, by one part of the Cornosters: Anno Reg. 4 [...] Richard earle of Cornew [...] elected empe|rour. and diuerse lords of Almaine comming ouer into this land (vpon the daie of the innocents in Christmasse) presented vnto him letters from the archbishop of Colen, and o|ther great lords of Almaine, testifieng their consents in the choosing of him to be emperour, and withall, that it might stand with his pleasure to accept that honor. Finallie, vpon good deliberation had in the matter, he consented therevnto: whervpon the lords that came with the message, being right glad of their answer, returned with all spéed to signifie the same vnto those from whom they had béene sent. The trea|sure of this earle Richard now elected king of Al|maine,The great treasure of Richard king of Almaine. was esteemed to amount vnto such a summe, that he might dispend euerie day a hundred marks, for the terme of ten yeares togither, not reckoning at all the reuenues which dailie accrewed to him of his rents in Almaine and England.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time the vnquiet Welshmen, after the death of their prince Dauid,The Welsh|men choose them a go|uernour, an [...] rebell agai [...] the king. chose in his stéed one Leolin, that was son to the same Griffin that brake his necke as he would haue escaped out of the towre of London; and herewith they began a new rebelli|on, either driuing out such Englishmen as laie there in garisons within the castels and fortresses, or else entring into the same by some traitorous practise, they slue those which they found within them, to the great displeasure of their souereigne lord Edward the kings eldest sonne, who coueting to be reuenged of their rebellious enterprises, could not bring his purpose to passe, by reason of the vnseasonable wea|ther and continuall raine which fell that winter, so raising the waters & setting the marishes on flouds, that he could not passe with his armie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer,The king wanteth monie. his father the king wanted monie and treasure to furnish him withall, howbeit prince Ed|ward borrowed of his vncle erle Richard foure thou|sand marks towards the maintenance of that war. The rebellion of the Welshmen speciallie rose by the hard dealing of sir Geffrey de Langlie knight,Sir Geffrey de Langlies hard dealing, cause of the Welshmens rebellion. the kings collector amongst them, who handled them so streightlie, that in defense of their countrie, lawes, and liberties (as they pretended) they put on armour. They tooke and destroied the lands and possessions which were great and large, of Griffin Brunet, be|ing fled for safegard of his life vnto the king of Eng|land. There were of those Welsh rebels at the point of twentie thousand men, Matth. Paris. The number of the Welsh [...]enimies. and of them ten thousand were horssemen, the which perceiuing the season to make for their purpose, defended themselues so man|fullie, that they droue backe prince Edward and his armie, & so continuing the wars, did much [...] to the English marishes. Their power so increased, that at length they diuided the same in two equall parts,The Welsh|men diuide their power into two parts. the better to recouer vittels, and in ei [...]her armie there were estéemed thirtie thousand armed men, after the maner of their countrie of the which there were fiue hundred men of armes in either host, with barded horsses all couered in it on. Thus being of such puissance, they did much mischéefe to the Eng|lishmen that inhabited on the marshes, neither were the lords marchers able to resist them, al [...]ugh the earle of Glocester aided the same lords [...] that he might.

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