Compare 1577 edition: 1 Furthermore, the prelats complained, that they were driuen to paie the tenths which they promised conditionallie, as it were now by constreint and of dutie, to the preiudice of the liberties of the church. The Nobles also found themselues gréeued for the exactions which they saw at hand, but finallie, after manie things had beene debated touching these mat|ters, the parlement was adiourned till Michaelmas next,The parlemẽt adiourned. and euerie man departed to his home, with no great trust of the kings good will towards them, nor anie hartie thanks receiued of him for their paines, as may be thought by that which writers haue recor|ded. Two Noble men, to whom the custodie and gui|ding of the king and quéene of Scots was commit|ted, that is to say, Robert de Ros, and Iohn de Baili|oll,Rob. de Ros & Iohn Bai|lioll accused. were accused, for misusing themselues in the trust and charge which they had taken vpon them. King Henrie was the same time at Notingham. The information came foorth by a physician, who was sent from the queene of England, vnto hir daughter the quéene of Scots, to be about hir for gard of hir health, but bicause the same physician (whose name was Reignold of Bath) perceiued the quéene of Scots to be impaired in health through anguish of mind,Reignold de Bath a phy|sician. by reason of the misdemeanor of such as had the gouernement of hir and hir husband, he sticked not to blame and reprooue them in their dooings, for the which he was poisoned, as some thinke: for the truth was, he shortlie after sickened and died, signifi|eng vpon his death-bed vnto the quéene of England what he misliked and thought amisse in those that had the dooings about hir daughter and hir husband the Scotish king.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 An eclipse.The moone suffered a maruellous eclipse on the night following the day of S. Margaret in Iulie. It began afore midnight, and continued foure houres. The king in the behalfe of his daughter the queene of Scots raised a power, and drew northwards, sending before him the earle of Glocester,The earle of Glocester & Iohn Man|sell sent into Scotland. and Iohn Mansell that was his chapleine and one of his coun|cell. These two so vsed the matter, that they came to Edenburgh, where the king and queene of Scots then laie in the castell, into the which the [...] entred, and altred the order of the houshold, so as stood with the contentation of the king and queene, which were in such wise vsed before that time, that they were not suffered to lie togither, nor scarse come to talke togither.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Robert de Ros summo|ned to appeare.Robert de Ros was summoned to appeare before the king of England, to answer to such things as might be laid to his charge. At the first he withdrew himselfe, but afterwards he came in, and submitted himselfe to the kings pleasure. Diuerse of the nobles of Scotland tooke it not well, that the earle of Gloce|ster and Iohn Mansell should thus come into the ca|stell of Edenburgh, and order things in the kings house in such sort at their pleasure: wherevpon they assembled a power, and besieged the castell, but at length perceiuing their owne error, they raised their siege and departed. Iohn de Bailioll being accused of the like crime that was laid to the charge of his fellow Robert de Ros, for a p [...]ece of monie bought his peace and was pardoned, but the lands of Robert de Ros were seized into the kings hands. Finallie, the king and queene of England came to an enter|uiew with the king of Scots and the quéene their daughter, and setting all things with them in such or|der as was thought conuenient, they returned to|wards the south parts.