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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The states of the realme were twise assembled at London about the grant of this paiment, but all in vaine; so that they were constreined to passe it ouer with silence, and to surceasse in the matter to their great gréefe, and namelie the earle of Cornewall, who had taken great paines therein. Yet for that he would not returne with emptie hand, he leuied by rigorous means a great summe of the Iewes (of whom a maine multitude inhabited at that season in London) and therewith returning to his brother king Henrie, shewed him how he had sped. The king was not a little offended with them that thus had denied to helpe him with monie,The king of|fended with them that re|fused to helpe him with monie. insomuch that vpon euerie light occasion, he was readie to reuenge his displea|sure towards them, in taking awaie such grants of priuileges and liberties as before he had made. But now to auoid suspicion of his feined pretense of war betwixt him and king Alfonse, he sent his sonne Ed|ward into Castile vnto the same Alfonse,Edward the kings sonne is sent to the K. of Castile. vnder a co|lor to compound with him for peace, wheras the verie occasion of his going thither, was to purchase him the ladie Elenor to wise, that was sister to the said king Alfonse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At his comming to the court of Spaine, he was verie honorablie receiued of the king, and in the end, vpon conference had of his message, obteined his suit, so that king Alfonse was content to bestow vp|on him his daughter in marriage, with the countie of Pontieu in France,He marrieth the ladie Ele|nor daughter to K. Alfonse which she held in right of hir mother queene Ione, the second wife of Ferdinando the king of Castile, father vnto this king Alfonse, which Ione was the onelie daughter and heire of Si|mon earle of Pontieu, and had issue by hir husband the said Ferdinando two sonnes, Ferdinando and Lewes, with one daughter; to wit, the foresaid Ele|nor, the which by reason hir brethren died yoong, was heire to hir mother. The lord Edward hauing dis|patched his businesse according to his desire, returned with a ioifull hart to his father, and declared to him what he had doone. His father most glad thereof, Ran. Higd. Polydor. for EEBO page image 259 an a [...]men [...]anon of honour, [...] created him prince of W [...]les and earle of [...]ester, and appointed him to be his deputie and generall lieutenant both in Guien and in Ireland, and gaue to him the townes of Bri|s [...]ow Stamford and Grantham. Hereof came it, that [...]uer after the kings eldest sonne was made imme|diat [...]ie vpon his birth prince of Wales and earle of [...]ester. [...] He creat [...]d also his other sonne named Ed|mund earle of Lancaster.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this season were certeine ships driuen by force of wind and weather into certeine hauens on the north coasts of England towards Barwike, w [...]ich ships were of a verie strange forme and fashi|on, but mightie and strong. The men that were a|boord the same ships were of some farre countrie, for their language was vnknowne, and not vnderstand|able to any man that could be brought to talke with them. The fraught and balast of the ships was ar|mour and weapon, as habergeons, helmets, speares, bowes, arrowes, crosbowes and darts, with great store of vittels. There laie also without the hauens on the coast diuerse other ships of like forme, mold and fashion. Those that were driuen into the hauens were staied for a time by the bailiffes of the ports. But fi|nal [...]ie, when it could not be knowne what they were, nor from whence they came, they were licenced to de|part without losse or harme in bodie or goods.

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