Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About the same time also,The Iewes constreined to helpe the king with monie. he caused the Iewes to giue vnto him a great portion of their goods, so that they were greatlie impouerished. There was one of them named Aaron borne in Yorke, the which since the kings last returne out of Gascoigne, had paied to the king the summe of thirtie thousand markes, Matth. Paris. ouer and besides two hundred marks which he had giuen to the quéene, as the same Aaron protested to Matthew Paris vpon his faith and truth which he bare to his law. In the Whitsunwéeke was a generall chapter holden of the friers preachers at London in Holborne,A generall chapter of ye friers prea|chers. where out of sundrie parts of the world were assembled aboue foure hundred of them, and they had meat and drinke found them of almesse, bi|cause they possessed nothing of their owne. On the first daie the king came into their chapter, that he might be partaker of their praiers, and found them meat and drinke that day, and dined there with them, to doo them the more honour. Another day the quéene likewise fed them, and afterwards the bishop of Lon|don, the abbats of Westminster, S. Albon, and Wal|tham, with others.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 About the same season the citizens of London found themselues greeued verie sore, Matth. Paris. Strife be|twixt the Lõ|doners and the abbat of Westminster for such liber|ties as the king granted to the abbat of Westmin|ster, to the great hinderance and decaie of the fran|chises of their citie. The maior and communaltie re|sisted all that they might against those liberties, and finallie by the good helpe and fauour of the lords, as the earles of Cornewall and Leicester, they obteined their purpose.William de Kilkennie keéper of the great seale. This yeare maister William de Kil|kennie, a sober, faithfull and learned man, was made keeper of the great seale. ¶ The same yeare vpon in|quisition made by Geffrey de Langley, one of the kings councell of transgressors in forrests and cha|ses, manie that had offended were presented, and most gréeuouslie punished by imprisonment, fines, and exceeding great amercements, and namelie in the north countrie.
Compare 1577 edition:
3 On the
nineteenth of Maie died Robert de Lex|inton clearke,Robert de Lexinton de|parteth this
life. the which hauing continued a long EEBO page image 243 time in the office of a iudge, purchased
to himselfe great fame, and also most large possessions. But cer|teine yéeres before his death, bicause he
was diseased with the palsie, he gaue ouer that office, and drew himselfe into a quiet trade of life, so
ending his daies in praiers and dooing of almesdeeds.
The lord Hen+rie Hastings deceaseth. Robert Mus|champe. Athelmarie the kings half brother made bishop of Win|chester. The earle of Salisburie slaine by the Saracens.