Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeare, the king caused a faire to be kept at Westminster at saint Edwards tide,S. Edwards faire at West|minster. to indure for fiftéene daies, and to the end that the same should be the more haunted with all manner of people, he com|manded by proclamation, that all other faires, as Elie, and such like holden in that season, should not be kept, nor that any wares should be shewed within the citie of London, either in shop or without, but that such as would sell, should come for that time vn|to Westminster: which was doone, not without great trouble and paines to the citizens, which had not roome there, but in booths and tents, to their great disquieting and disease, for want of necessarie prouision, being turmoiled too pitifullie in mire and dirt, through occasion of raine that fell in that vnsea|sonable time of the yeare. The bishop of Elie com|plained sore of the wrong doone to him by suspending his faire at Elie aforesaid.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Sir Richard Sward de| [...]eth.Sir Richard Sward died this yeare, after he had laien a long time vexed with the palsie, which sir Ri|chard had in his daies beene a right worthie and fa|mous knight. There died also the bishops of Bash and saint Dauids.Death of bishops. In the first day of Iune, the moone immediatlie vpon the setting of the sunne, was al|most wholie eclipsed,An eclipse. so that little of hir might ap|peare.
Newcastell burnt by ca|suall fire.
The archb. of Cant. curseth.
The towne of Newcastell vpon Tine was al|most wholie consumed with fire, togither with the bridge there. The archbishop of Canturburie remai|ning still with the pope by his procurator the deane of Beauueis, denounced all them accurssed which went about to impeach him of receiuing the first fruits of benefices that voided, which he had by the popes grant, the king and quéene, with their children, and the kings brother the earle of Cornewall onelie excepted out of that cursse.Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 There chanced another earthquake foure daies before Christmasse, Anno Reg. 33. An erthquake namelie in the west countrie a|bout Bath and Welles, which shooke and ouerthrew some buildings, speciallie the tops and summets of stéeples, turrets and chimnies were shaken therwith, and not the bases or lower parts. ¶In Christmasse following, the earle of Leicester returned out of Gascoigne, where he had béene as generall against Gaston de Bierne, whome he had so afflicted and put to the worse, that the same Gaston was glad to sue for an abstinence of warre, where before he had doone much hurt to the kings subiects. The said earle had also with the aid of the kings subiects apprehended an other rebell, one William Berthram de Egremont who had doone much hurt in the parts of Gascoigne, and in the confines there, whome he had left in prison within the castell of the Rioll.