Compare 1577 edition:
1 Finallie,
Anno. Reg. 30. after that the king had lien at Gannoke about the fortifieng of the
castell there, the space of ten wéekes, and saw the worke now fullie finished, he appointed foorth such as
should lie there in garison, and therewith, on the morrow after the feast of Si|mon and Iude, he raised his
field, and returned to|wards England, leauing the Welshmen in great miserie, and like to starue for want of
necessarie food.
The king' re|turneth foorth of Wales. Irishmen de|stroied An|glesey.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The king also
gaue foorth commandement, that no prouision of corne or vittels should be conueied vnto the Welshmen, out of
any parts, either of England or Ireland, on paine of forfeiting life,
Brine pits destroied in wales. The lord Maurice chéefe iustice of Ireland. Iohn Fitz Geffrey lord iustice of I|reland.
Matth. Paris. The dece [...]se of Walter erle Marshall
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king this yeare held his Christmas at Lon|don, and had there with him a great number of the nobilitie of his realme, which had béene with him in Wales, that they might be partakers of pastime, mirth and pleasure, as they had béene participants with him in suffering the diseases of heat, cold, and other paines abroad in the fields and high moun|teines of Wales, considering with himselfe (as the truth is) that
Mal. Pal. in suo cap.—vita est quàm proxi [...] letho,Quàm meritò spernenda anim [...] si nulla volupt [...]sMulceat at leuent solatia nulla laborem.