Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, the king minding to inuade the Scots, caused the whole force of all such as ought to serue him in the wars to assemble, and so with a mightie host he went to new castell vpon Tine, meaning from thence to inuade the same,The K. with an armie go|eth towards Scotland. in reuenge of such in|iuries as the Scots had doone vnto him and his sub|iects, and namelie, for that Walter Cumin a mightie baron of Scotland and other noble men had built two castels neere to the English confines, the one in Galowaie, and the other in Louthian, and further had receiued and succoured certeine rebels to the king of England, as Geffrey de Marisch or Mareis an I|rish man, and others. The king of Scots was aduer|tised of king Henries approch, and therefore in de|fense of himselfe and his countrie, had raised an huge armie. Herevpon certeine noble men vpon ei|ther side, sorie to vnderstand that such bloudshed should chance as was like to follow (and that vpon no great apparant cause) if the two kings ioined bat|tell, tooke paine in the matter to agrée them, which in the end they brought to passe,The king of England and Scotland made fréends. so that they were made fréends and wholie reconciled. There was a publike instrument also made thereof by the king of Scots vnto king Henrie, signed with his seale, and likewise with the seales of other noble men, testifieng his alle|giance which he owght to the king of England, as su|periour lord, in forme following.
8.1. The charter of Alexander king of Scotland made to Henrie the third.
The charter of Alexander king of Scotland made to Henrie the third.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _ALexander Dei gratia rex Scotiae, om|nibus Christi fidelibus hoc scriptum vi|suris vel audituris, salutem. Ad ve|stram volumus venire notitiam, nos pro nobis & haeredibus nostris concessisse, & fideliter EEBO page image 234 promisisse charissimo & ligio domino nostro Hen|rico tertio Dei gratia regi Angliae illustri domino Hiberniae, duci Normaniae & Aquitaniae, & co|miti Andegauiae, & eius haeredibus, quòd in per|petuum bonam fidem ei seruabimus, pariter & a|morem. Et quòd nunquam aliquod foedus iniemus per nos velper aliquos alios ex parte nostra, cum inimicis domini regis Angliae vel haeredum suo|rum, ad bellum procurandum vel faciendum, vnde damnum eis vel regnis suis Angliae & Hiberniae, aut caeteris terris suis eueniat, vel possit aliquate|nus euenire: nisi nos iniustè grauẽt: stantibus in suo robore conuentionibus inter nos & dictum domi|num regem Angliae initis vltimo apud Eboracum in praesentia domini Othonis tituli S. Nicholai in carcere Tulliano, diaconi cardinalis, tunc apostoli|cae sedis legati in Anglia. Et saluis conuentionibus super matrimonio contrahendo inter filium nostrũ & filiam dicti domini regis Angliae.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Et vt haec nostra concessio & promissio pro no|bis & haeredibus nostris perpetuae firmitatis robur obtineant, fecimus iurare in animam nostram Ala|num Ostiarium, Henricũ de Baliol, Dauid de Lin|desey, Wilhelmum Gifford, quòd omnia praedicta bona fide firmiter & fideliter obseruabimus. Et similiter iurare fecimus venerabiles patres, Dauid, Wilhelmum, Galfridum, & Clementem sancti Andreae Glasconiensem, Dunkeldensem, Dublinẽ|sem episcopos: & praeterea Malcolmum comitem de Fife, fideles nostros, Patricium comitem de Dunbar, Malisium comitem de Strathern, Walte|rum Cumin comitem de Menteth, Wilhelmum comitem de Mar, Alexandrum comitem de Buch|quhan, Dauid de Hastings comitem de Athol, Ro|bertum de Bruts, Alanum Ostiarium, Henricum de Baliol, Rogerum de Mowbray, Laurentium de Abirnethiae, Richardum Cumin, Dauid de Lin|desey, Richardum Siward, Wilhelmum de Linde|sey, Walterum de Morauia, Wilhelmum Gifford, Nicholaum de Sully, Wilhelmum de veteri Ponte, Wilhelmum de Brewer, Anselmum de Mesue, Dauid de Graham, & Stephanum de Suningam.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Quòd si nos vel haeredes nostri, contra concessi|onem & promissionem praedictam (quod absit) ve|nerimus, ipsi & haeredes eorum nobis & haeredibus nostris nullum contra concessionem & promissio|nem praedictam auxilium vel consilium impen|dent, aut ab alijs proposse suo impendi permittent. Imò bona fide laborabunt erga nos & haeredes no|stros, ipsi & haeredes eorum, quòd omnia praedicta à nobis & haeredibus nostris nec non ab ipsis & eo|rum haeredibus firmiter & fideliter obseruentur inperpetuum. In cuius rei testimonium tam nos quàm praedicti praelati, comites & barones nostri praesens scriptum sigillorum suorum appositione ro|borauimus. Testibus praelatis, comitibus & baro|nibus superiùs nominatis, Anno regni nostri, &c.
8.2. The same in English.
The same in English.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _ALexander by the grace of God, king of Scotland, to all faithfull christian peo|ple that shall see or heare this writing, sendeth greeting. We will that it be knowne to you, that we for vs and our heires haue gran|ted and faithfullie promised to our most deare and liege lord Henrie the third, by the grace of God, the noble king of England, lord of Ire|land, duke of Normandie and Guien, and earle of Aniou, and to his heires, that we will beare and keepe vnto him good faith and loue for e|uer, and that we shall not enter into any league with our selues, or by others in our behalfe with the enimies of our said souereigne lord the king of England, or of his heires, to procure or make warre, whereby any damage may happen to come to them or to their kingdoms of Eng|land and Ireland, or to their other lands, except vniustlie they doo molest and oppresse vs. The couenants alwaies standing in force, which were concluded betwixt vs at our last being to|gither at Yorke, in the presence of Otho decon cardinall of saint Nicholas In carcere Tulliano, then legat of the see apostolike in England, and sauing the couenants made vpon the contract of the mariage betwixt our sonne & the daugh|ter of the said king of England.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And that this promise and grant for vs and our heires may haue the force and confirmati|on of an euerlasting assurednesse,The lords sweare to sée the couenants performed. we haue cau|sed these to sweare on our behalfe: Alan Por|ter, Henrie de Balioll, Dauid de Lindesey, Wil. Gifford, that we shall in good faith obserue all the premisses faithfullie and substantiallie, and we haue likewise caused to sweare the reuerend fathers, Dauid, William, Geffrey, & Clement, Bishops of S. Andrewes, Glascew, Dunkeld, and Dublane: and furthermore our faithfull subiects Patrike earle of Dunbar, Malcolme earle of Fife, Malisius earle of Stratherne, Wal|ter Cumin earle of Menteth, William earle of Mar, Alexander earle of Buchquhan, Dauid de Hastings earle of Athol, Robert de Bruis, Alan Porter, Henrie de Balioll, Roger de Mowbraie, Laurence de Abirnethi, Richard Cumin, Da|uid de Lindesey, Richard Siward, William de Lindesey, Walter de Murraie, William de Gif|ford, Nicholas de Sully, William de Veipont, William de Brewer, Anselme de Mesue, Da|uid de Graham, and Stephan de Suningham.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And if that either we or our heires, against the foresaid grant and promise, shall doo anie thing to the breach therof (which God forbid) they and their heires shall not imploie either aid or counsell against the said grant and pro|mise, nor shall suffer other to imploie any such aid or counsell, so far as they may hinder them therein: yea rather they and their heires shall in good faith and plaine meaning endeuour a|gainst vs and our heires, that all the premisses may firmelie and faithfullie be obserued and kept of vs and our heires, and likewise of them and their heires for euer. In witnesse whereof aswell we our selues, as the said prelats, our earles and barons haue confirmed this writing by putting their seales vnto the same, the pre|lats earles and barons before rehearsed beeing true witnesses therevnto, In the yeare of our reigne, &c.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The seales of king Alexander himselfe, of Willi|am de Brewer, William de Ueipont, William de Lindesey, Stephan de Suningham, and the seales of the rest were set to afterwards, and the writing sent ouer to the king of England at Christmasse next in|suing, by the prior of Tinmouth, who had trauelled di|ligentlie and faithfullie in this negotiation to the ho|nour of both parts. This writing also was sent to the pope, that he might confirme the same in manner as followeth.