Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare manie noble men ended their liues, as well such as were gone with the earles of Corne|wall and Leicester into the holie land,Death of [...]ble men. and others re|maining still at home. Amongst which number were these: William Fortz earle of Albemarle, Walter Lacie, one of the chiefest nobles in all Ireland,Lacie l [...]ft [...] issue ma [...]e be|hind him, so yt his daugh|ters inherit [...] his lands. Ste|phan de Segraue, Gilbert de Basset and his sonne and heire named also Gilbert. Moreouer, Iohn Bi|set high iustice of the forrests, and Peter de Mallow, Hugh Wake, Robert Marmion, Peter de Bruis, Guischarde Laidec, Eustace Stoutuill, Eudo Ha|mon surnamed Peccham, Baldwin de Betun, Iohn Fitz Iohn steward in household to earle Richard, Iohn de Beauli [...], Gerard de Furniuall. There di|ed also the ladie Elianor the countesse of Britaine, wife vnto Geffrey, that was sometime earle of Bri|taine (which countesse had béene long kept prisoner at Bristow) with diuerse other.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Moreouer, there died this yeare Roger bishop of London, and Hugh bishop of Chester. Also Gilbert Marshall earle of Penbroke, in a torneie which he had attempted at Hereford against the kings li|cence, was by an vnrulie horsse cast, and so hurt, that immediatlie he died thereof. Neither was this yeare onelie mournefull to England for the losse of such EEBO page image 229 high estates, but also in other places manie notable personages departed out of this transitorie life. As two popes, Gregorie the ninth and his successour Ce|lestine the fourth, besides cardinals: amongst the which Robert Somercotean English man was one.Cardinall Somercotean Englishman. ¶About the later end of this 25 yeare, the sixt daie of October, there appeared a right sore eclipse of the sunne, verie strange to the beholders. ¶ In the 26 yeare died the empresse Isabell,An eclipse. wife vnto Frederike the emperour.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this yeare also began the wars againe betwixt king Henrie, and Lewes the king of France, for the quarell of Hugh earle of March, Anno Reg. 26. The death of the empresse Isabell. who refused to doo homage vnto Alfonse the brother of king Lewes, which Alfonse had married the onelie daughter and heire of Raimund earle of Tholouse, and therefore should succéed the same earle in his estate and inhe|ritance. Wars renued betwixt the kings of Eng+land & France The earle of March. Gaguinus. Matth. West. His brother king Lewes had also giuen vn|to him the earledome of Poictou, with all the lands of Aluergne: and bicause the earle of March would not doo homage vnto him, king Lewes made warre vpon the earle of March, who thervpon sought to pro|cure king Henrie (whose mother he had married) to come ouer with an armie vnto his aid.