Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, the king departed foorth into the Welsh confines,The abbeie [...] Cride burnt. and comming to an abbeie of the white moonks called Cride, caused it to be burnt, bicause it serued as a refuge for his enimies. Then by the ad|uise of the lord chiefe iustice Hubert de Burgh,The king [...]ginneth to build a castell. he set in hand to build a castell there, bicause the place séemed verie fit for fortification. But after the king with his armie had laine there thrée months, through lacke of vittels (the Welshmen still cutting the En|glishmen off as they went abroad to fetch in forrage and other prouision) he was constreined to fall to a|gréement with Leolin their prince, and receiuing of the said prince the summe of three thousand marks, he was contented that so much of the castell as was alreadie builded, should be raced and made flat a|gaine with the ground,Pe is cõst [...]|ned to agree with the Welshmen. before his departure from thence. Herevpon, manie men tooke occasion to iest at the lord chiefe iustice and his dooings about this ca|stell, who at the beginning named it Huberts follie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Amongst other also that were taken prisoners by the Welshmen, whilest the king thus vainelie spent his time about the building of that fort,The lord Wil|liã de Breuse taken priso|ner. William de Breuse a right valiant man of warre was one, who being taken by Leolin prince of Wales, was by him crueltie put to death (as after shall appeare) for the which act, and other such iniuries receiued at the same Leolins hands, king Henrie at length gree|uouslie punished him. ¶ For the most part of this summer season, Matt. Paris. Strange sights in the aire. great thunders happened in Eng|land: the element also seemed as though it had bur|ned with continuall flames: stéeples, churches, and other hie buildings were striken with lightning, and the haruest was sore hindered by continuall raine. Also in the middest of the day there came a woonder|full darkenesse vpon the earth, Polydor. that the brightnesse of the aire seemed to be couered and taken awaie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the thirteenth yeare of this king, Anno. Reg. 13. 1229 Stephan the popes chapleine and his Nuncio came ouer vnto king Henrie, requiring to haue towards the main|tenance of the popes warres against the emperour Frederike, a tenth part of all the mooueable goods within the realmes & countries of England, Wales, and Ireland, as well of spirituall persons as tempo|rall. Wherevpon, a parlement or assemblie of the lords was called at Westminster,A parlement or a councel holden. on the second sun|daie after Easter, which was the 29 of Aprill. At which parlement, when the popes buls were read, and the matter therein conteined plainelie opened and examined, to the end it might appeare vpon what ne|cessarie causes the pope was constreined to pursue the said wars, and to aske releefe of faithfull christian people, being members of the holie church: the king, bicause he had by his procurators at Rome afore|hand promised & bound himselfe to such paiment of tenths, sate still, and answered not to the contrarie EEBO page image 211 (whereas the hope of a great number was reposed in him, that by his deniall the popes request shuld haue béene frustrat) so that when by his silence he was ad|iudged to consent, yet the temporall lords & laie men vtterlie denied to agree vnto such paiment,The temporal lords refuse to [...]d the pope with monie. not wil|ling in any wise to bind their baronies and tempo|rall possessions vnto the church of Rome.