Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon therefore assembling a great power about him, he demanded of Ranulph earle of Chester the restitution of certeine lordships which ancientlie apperteined to the crowne of the realme,The king de|manded resti|tution of par|cels of inheri|tance belon|ging to the crowne. which earle not being as then able to resist, readilie obeied the kings pleasure, and resigned them all. By this en|trance of the king into the execution of his purposeî€ diuerse of the rest of the barons were brought into such feare, that they were contented also to doo the like, so that by this meanes the lords being cut short and weakened in power, surceased as then from mo|lesting the king anie further with the demand of o|ther lands or liberties.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The archbishop of Canturburie also threatened them with the dart of excommunication, if they went about to disquiet the realme with anie ciuill commotions, though no man was more desirous to haue that matter go forward than he, as appéered by his diligent trauell therein (hoping as now in short processe of time, and that by courteous meanes, to EEBO page image 206 persuade the king to his purpose) but the king droue him off with faire words, and minded nothing lesse than to alter anie one of the lawes which he knew to be profitable to himselfe and his successours after him. Wherevpon diuerse misliking his dealing here|in, withdrew themselues secretlie, some into one place, and some into an other, to the intent they might auoid the dailie sight of such abuses, as they for the most part could not well abide to beare.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest king Henrie thus politikelie prouided for his affaires at home, Sauerie de Mauleon made prouision in Guien to withstand such perils and dan|gers as he saw most likelie to insue by the practises of the Frenchmen. But as he was most busilie oc|cupied about the purueiance of such things as should be verie necessarie for his dooings, there sprang a great dissention betwixt him and William the earle of Salisburie,Discord be|twixt Saue|rie de Mau|leon and the earle of Sa|lisburie. who was sent ouer into that countrie with commission to surueie the state thereof, and by colour of the same commission, tooke vpon him to order all things at his owne pleasure. Whereas the foresaid Sauerie de Mauleon (being a man of high parentage in those parts where he was borne) iudged it to be a matter nothing standing with his honour, that another man should order things at his will and commandement within the countrie, where|of he himselfe had the chiefe charge, as the kings lieutenant; and therefore determined not to suffer it anie longer.