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Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 203There were of counsell with him also (as was thought) Fouks de Brent, Philip de Marc, Peter de Mauleon, Engellard de Athie, and manie other, who priuilie sent men to his aid, and furthered him in his tumultuous affaires, that they might partici|pat with him the sweetnesse of the spoile, which is the marke whereat euerie one shooteth that is

—iners & inops, qui viuere luxuriosè
Vult quamuis nequeat, non respondente crumena,
Proinde animam vendit pretio, seséque periclis
Obijcit, vt raptis alienis victor ouánsque
Ad proprios referat praedam & spolia ampla penates.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane time the countrie people withdrew to the churches, and gat their goods into the church|yards. Moreouer, the péeres of the realme assem|bled themselues in councell at Westminster where the king was present, whither the earle of Alber|marle was summoned to come, who faining as though he had meant to haue gone thitherward dire|ctlie,The castell of Fodringhey. turned suddenlie his waie to the castell of Fo|dringhey, and tooke it vpon the sudden, furnishing it also with a garrison of souldiers, to be kept hereafter to his owne vse. That castell was in the kéeping of the earle of Chester, who at that instant had but few souldiers there in garrison, wherby it was the sooner surprised. When these newes were brought to the king, he raised a power and came with all spéed to the castell of Biham,The castell of Biham yéel|ded. vpon the wednesdaie next after the feast of Candelmasse, and then compassing the same about with a strong siege, he constreined them within by force of such engins as they vsed in those daies, that finallie on the eight daie of Februarie they came foorth, and submitted themselues and all that they had vnto the kings pleasure. Who caused them to be safelie kept, till he might take further ad|uisement what should be doone with them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane while also came the earle of Albe|marle, who by the helpe & means of the archbishop of Yorke, and the legat Pandulph, purchased peace at the kings hands, the rather indeed bicause he had faithfullie serued both the king and his father king Iohn in their wars, Matth. Paris. Old seruice remembred. before that time. All those men of armes & souldiers also, which had submitted them|selues and remained as prisoners, were pardoned. Which ouer-great clemencie caused other vnrulie persons to attempt the like offense of rebellion shortlie after. At the very selfe same time the Welsh|men began to sturre,The Welshmẽ begin to stur. and vnder their prince and lea|der Leolin they entered vpon the English marshes, and with great crueltie spoiled and robbed the same, wherevpon it was determined by the councell, that the king (as he was comming toward the castell of Biham) should diuide his armie, and so he did, sen|ding one part thereof against the Welshmen: Polydor. wher|vpon Leolin, after he vnderstood that the kings power came toward him, as one not able to resist the same, cast off his armour, and submitted himselfe to his mercie.

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