Compare 1577 edition:
1 Moreouer,
beside that power of the barons which laid siege to Windsor castell, there were Noble men also in other parts of the realme that were readie to resist him.
The archbi|shop of Yorke. Hugh Bar|dolfe. William de Stuteuille.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 About the
same time did the French king enter into Normandie with an armie, & comming to the towne of Gisors,
besieged it, the which one Gilbert de Uascoll or Guascoill capteine thereof (to his high re|proch) yéelded
vp vnto him, with an other castell also called Nefle, which he had likewise in kéeping. Af|ter this,
Wil. Paruus.
the French king entring into the countrie of Ueurine or Ueulquessine,
wan diuers towns and fortresses in the same, and passing forward, tooke Ual de Rueil, and Neusburge, and
finallie comming be|fore the citie of Rouen he laid siege thereto:
Rouen be|sieged. The earle of Leicester.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, earle Iohn as head of all the conspiratours, perceiuing himselfe not able to at|chiue his purpose as then, nor to resist the lords and barons of the realme, being vp in armour against him, and now growen to greater stomach, bicause they vnderstood by the bishop of Salisburie latelie arriued, of the kings welfare, and hope of deliue|rance; and furthermore, considering that he was disappointed both of Scots and Flemings as he had well hoped should haue come to his aid: he tooke a truce with the lords of the kings side, by the earnest trauell of the bishop of Salisburie,Michaelmas: saith Ger. Dorob. till the feast of All saincts, so as the castels of Windsore, Walling|ford, and the Peake, should remaine in the hands of his mother queene Elianor; but the castels of No|tingham and Tickhill remained still in his owne possession, the which with such other castels as he held within the land, he furnished with garrisons of his owne men and freends, and then went againe ouer into France to the French king, to purchase some new aid at his hands according to his promise.