Compare 1577 edition: 1 Rog. Houed. Here is to be remembred by the waie, that about the same time, or somewhat before, in the yeare of our Lord 1192. the pope sent two legats (namelie, Octauian bishop of Hostia, and Iordane de Fossa noua) into Normandie,Two legats from ye pope. to reconcile the bishop of Elie and the archbishop of Rouen: but comming vnto Gisors, they were staied from entring any fur|ther into the countrie, wherevpon they did interdict the whole duchie of Normandie, togither with Willi|am Fitz Radulfe lord steward of that countrie,Normandie interdicted. bi|cause he was the man that had so staied them. Im|mediatlie herevpon, queene Elianor, and the archbi|shop of Rouen sent vnto those legats Hugh bishop of Durham, requiring them to release that sentence of interdiction so pronounced against the steward and countrie of Normandie in the kings absence, but they would not, except they might be receiued in|to Normandie: howbeit, the pope being sent vnto, released it, and caused the legats to release it also, and yet they entred not into Normandie at all.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Pieregort & others wast the K. of Eng+lands lands.This yeare, whilest the seneschall of Gascoigne laie sicke, the earle of Pieregort, and the vicount of March, and almost all the lords and barons of Gas|coigne, began to waste and destroie the lands of king Richard. And though the seneschall manie times by messengers required a peace, or at the least some truce, yet could he not haue any grant thereof: wher|fore vpon his recouerie of health he inuaded the lands of the said earle, tooke the castels and fortresses and some of them he fortified,The senes|chal of Gas|coigne reuen|geth iniurie. and kept to the kings vse, and some of them he raced downe to the ground. He also inuaded the vicounts countrie, and subdued it to the kings gouernement. Shortlie after came the brother of the king of Nauarre, with eight hundred knights or men of armes to the seneschals aid,The king of Nauars brother. and so they two togither entring into the lands of the earle of Tholouse, tooke diuerse castels and fortresses with|in the same, of the which some they fortified, and some they raced, and rode euen to the gates of Tholouse, and lodged in maner vnder the walles of the citie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 A little before Christmas also, diuerse of those that had béene in the holie land with king Richard, came home into England, not knowing but that king Ri|chard had beene at home before them, and being asked where they thought he was become, they could say no more but that they had seene the ship wherein he first went aboord, arriuing at Brendize in Puglia. At length, when newes came that he was taken and staied as prisoner, the archbishop of Rouen and other the rulers of the realme of England, sent the abbat of Boxeley and the abbat of Roberts-bridge with all spéed into Almaine to speake with him,The abbats of Boxley and Roberts-bridge. and to vnder|stand his state, and what his pleasure was in all things. Who comming to Germanie, passed through the count [...] into Baierland, where at a place called Oxefer they found the king as then on his iournie towards the emperour, to whom (as yée haue heard) the duke of Austrich did send him. The said abbats attended him to the emperours court, and remained there with him till the emperour and he were accor|ded, in manner as after shall be shewed: and then after Easter they returned with the newes into England.