Compare 1577 edition: 1 Polychron. The duke of Austrich owght the king no good will, bicause he had cast downe his ensignes pitcht vp in a turret at Acres, which he had woone at the verie time when that citie was deliuered by the Sara|cens: for while they were in tretie on the one side, the duke on the other,The cause of the displeasure betwixt the duke of Au|strich & king Richard. not knowing anie thing thereof, gaue the assault vnto that part of the towne which was appointed vnto him to besiege. And so being entred the towne, and perceiuing that by treatie it was to be deliuered, he retired into the turret which he had first woone and entred, and there set vp his standard and ensignes, which king Richard (as the Dutch writers affirme) comming thither, threw downe and trode vnder his féet.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Ger. Dor. But Geruasius Dorobornensis declareth this mat|ter somewhat otherwise, as thus. After that the said citie of Acres was rendred into the christian mens hands (saith he) diuerse lords tooke their lodgings as they thought good, and hanged foorth their ensignes. And as it chanced, the duke of Austrich placing him|selfe in one of the fairest palaces of all the citie, put foorth his ensigne, whereof king Richard being wa|rie, came thither with a companie of hardie souldiers about him, and threw downe the dukes ensigne, so displacing him out of that so pleasant and beautifull a lodging. For this cause, and also surmizing that king Richard should be guiltie of the death of the marques, Rog. Houed. Conrade the duke of Austrich shewed such discourtesie towards him. But concerning the mut|ther of the marques, the chéefe gouernour of those Saracens called Assassini cleared king Richard by a letter written and directed vnto the duke of Austrich in manner as followeth.
6.1. A letter directed to the duke of Au|strich, wherein king Richard is cleared of the death of the marquesse of Mountserrat, whereof he was vehementlie suspected.
A letter directed to the duke of Au|strich, wherein king Richard is cleared of the death of the marquesse of Mountserrat, whereof he was vehementlie suspected.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _LVpoldo duci Austriae, Vetus de Mon|te salutem. Cùm plurimi reges & prin|cipes vltra mare Richardum regem Angliae & dominum de morte mar|chisi inculpent, iuro per dominum qui regnat in aeternum, & per legem quam tenemus, quòd in [...]|ius mortem nullam culpam habuit. Est siquidem causa mortis ipsius marchisi talis. Vnus ex fratri|bus nostris in vnam nauem de Satalei, ad partes nostras veniebat, & tempestas illum fortè ad Ty|rum appulit, & marchisus fecit illum capere & occidere, & magnam pecuniam eius rapuit. Nos verò marchiso nuncios nostros misimus, mandan|tes vt pecuniam fratris nostrinobis redderet, & de morte fratris nostri nobiscum se concordaret, & noluit.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Nec non & nuncios nostros spreuit, & mortem fratris nostri super Reginaldum dominum de Si|donis posuit, & nos tantùm fecimus per amicos no|stros, quod in veritate scimus, quòd ille fecit illum occidere & pecuniam rapere. Et iterum alium nuncium nostrum nomine Edrisum misimus ad eum, quem in mare mergere voluit, sed amici no|stri illum à Tyro festinanter fecerunt recedere, qui ad nos peruenit, & ista nobis nunciauit. Nos quoque ex illa hora marchisum desiderauimus oc|cidere. Túncque duos fratres misimus ad Tyrum, qui eum apertè & ferè coram omni populo Tyri oc|ciderunt.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Haec ergò fuit causa mortis marchisi, & benè dicimus vobis in veritate, quòd dominus Richar|dus rex Angliae in hac marchisi morte nullam cul|pam habuit. Et qui propter hoc domino regi An|gliae malum fecerunt, iniustè fecerunt, & sine cau|sa. Sciatis pro certo, quòd nullum hominem huius mundi pro mercede aliqua vel pecunia occidimus, nisi priùs nobis malum fecerit. Et sciatis quòd has liter as fecimus in domo nostra ad castellum no|strum Messiat in dimidio Septembri, anno ab A|lexandro 1505.