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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer this is not to be forgotten, that when all matters were quieted and accorded amongst them, King Henrie required to haue all their names deli|uered vnto him in writing, which had promised to take part (and were ioined as confederates) with the French king and earle Richard. This was granted, and when the roll was presented vnto him, he found his sonne Iohn the first person that was named in that register, wherewith he was so troubled and dis|quieted in his mind, that comming to Chinon he felt such gréefe hereof, that he curssed euen the verie daie in which he was borne, and as was said, gaue to his sonnes Gods cursse and his, the which he would ne|uer release, although he was admonished to doo it both of sundrie bishops and other religious and god|lie men. Thus saith Houeden.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Howbeit, it is not like that earle Richard at this time had procured his brother Iohn to be confede|rate with him in his rebellious dealings, but rather bicause earle Richard had some suspicion, least his father would make Iohn his heire and successour in the kingdome, it might be a policie wrought by the French king and earle Richard, to alienate his fa|thers mind from the said Iohn.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 ¶ These euils were estéemed to fall vnto king Henrie by the iust iudgement of God, for that being admonished diuerse waies, as well by diuine reuela|tion, as by the wholesome aduise of graue men, as Hugh bishop of Lincolne and others, he would not reforme his licentious appetite of heaping vp sinne vpon sinne, but still wallowed therein to his owne destruction. Wherevpon being brought to such an ex|tremitie as ye haue heard, he was taken with a gree|uous sicknesse, which bringing him to vtter despera|tion of recouering of health, he finallie departed this life, though more through verie anguish and gréefe of his late losse and troubles susteined, than by the force of his bodilie disease (as writers haue affir|med.) But howsoeuer it was,King Henrie departeth this life. he ended his life the sixt of Iulie in the 61. yeare of his age, and after he had reigned 34. yeares, nine moneths, and two daies, which was in the yeare after the birth of our sa|uiour 1189. and of the creation of the world 5155. His bodie was buried at Founteuerard, which is an abbeie situate not farre from the towne of the eagle within the dutchie of Alanson.

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