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Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Henrie held his Christmas at Saumur in Aniou, Anno. Reg. 35. 1189 but manie of his earles and barons were gon from him, and tooke part with the French king, and with his sonne Richard earle of Poictou. Now when the day was come, in which the truce expired, the Bri|tains (which had a charter of couenants of the French king and earle Richard, that if they conclude [...] any peace with king Henrie, the Britains should be par|takers in the same) entred into the confines of those countries, which still continued their due obedience towards king Henrie, spoiling and wasting the same on each side with barbarous crueltie.A legat. At which time also a legat came from the pope named Iohn de Anagnia, who assaied both by courteous meanes and also by threats and menacings to reduce the par|ties vnto peace and concord: insomuch that by his procurement they met this yeare after Easter néere EEBO page image 114 vnto Fler [...] Bernard, twise within a few daies togi|ther, to trie if by talke they might sort to some reaso|nable conditions of agreement.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The last time of those their meetings was in the Whitsunwéeke, Matth. Paris. at what time the French king requi|red not onelie to haue his sister Alice deliuered vnto earle Richard for wife, according to the former coue|nants, but also some assurance giuen vnto the same earle Richard, that he should inherit his fathers lands after his deceasse. Also he required that earle Iohn might take vpon him the crosse to passe ouer into the holie land also, for otherwise earle Richard would not go. R. Houed. Howbeit king Henrie would in no wise consent to any of these demands: but yet as some write, he offered thus much vnto king Philip, that if he could be so content, his sonne Iohn should marrie his sister Alice, and inioy with hir all such things as he demanded in preferment of his sonne Richard, and that in more large maner than he had requested the same. But king Philip would none of that.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus how soeuer it was, whilest the one deman|ded that which the other thought no reason to grant, they departed without concluding any agréement, so that king Philip hauing got by this meanes a good occasion to further his enterprises,King Philip entereth the countrie of Maine. with all his whole puissance entred into Maine, where he destroi|ed a great part of that countrie, and approched to the citie of Mauns, where king Henrie as then laie, in purpose to besiege it. But king Henrie being war|ned of his comming set the suburbs on fire, bicause his enimies should haue no succour in them. Howbe|it the flame of the fire was by force of the wind dri|uen so directlie into the citie, that what with heat and assault of the enimie, the king being without any store of souldiers to defend it longer, was constrei|ned to forsake it.The words of king Henrie in his displea|sure towards earle Richard. Herewith he was so mooued, that in departing from the citie, he said these words of his sonne Richard to himselfe: Sith thou hast taken from me this daie the thing that I most loued in this world, I will requite thee, for after this daie, I shall depriue thée of that thing which in me should most please thée, euen mine owne hart.

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