Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 R. Houed. Iohn the kings sonne made king of Ireland. Ger. Dor. This yeare the last of March, king Henrie made his sonne Iohn knight, and shortlie after sent him ouer into Ireland, of which countrie he had made him king. At his comming into Ireland, he was ho|nourablie receiued of the archbishop of Diueline, and other noble men that had béene sent thither be|fore him. The king allowed him great abundance of treasure, but he hauing learned that
Non minor est virtus quàm quaerere parta tueri,keeping it in his coffers (as one now come into a strange place, and not knowing what he shuld want) would not depart with it so fréelie amongst his soul|diers and men of warre as they looked for: by reason whereof their seruice was such, that in diuerse con|flicts he lost manie of his men, and at length was driuen through want of conuenient aid, to returne againe into England, hauing appointed his cap|teins and souldiers to remaine in places most expe|dient for the defense of that countrie. ¶ But héere|of yée may read more at large in the historie of Ireland.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the mondaie in the wéeke before Easter, chan|ced a sore earthquake thorough all the parts of this land,An earth|quake. such a one as the like had not beene heard of in England sithens the beginning of the world. For stones that laie couched fast in the earth, were remoo|ued out of their places, stone houses were ouer|throwne, and the great church of Lincolne was rent from the top downwards.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The day next after this terrible woonder, the king and the patriarch with the bishop of Durham and a great sort of other Noble men of this realme,The king and the patriarch passe ouer in|to France. pas|sed the seas from Douer to Wissand, and so rode foorth towards Normandie, where immediatlie vpon his comming thither he raised a power, and sent word to his sonne Richard earle of Poictou (which had fortified the townes and castels of Poictou a|gainst him,The kings message to his sonne earle Richard. and taken his brother Geffrey prisoner) that except he deliuered vp into his mothers hands the whole countrie of Poictou, he would surelie come to chastise him with an iron rod, and bring him vn|der obedience smallie to his ease. Upon this message earle Richard being somewhat better aduised, obeied his fathers commandements in all points,Erle Richard obeieth his father. rendring vp into his mothers hands the earldome of Poictou, and comming to his father as an obedient sonne, shewed himselfe readie to serue him at commande|ment with a glad and willing mind. Soone after this, and about the seauenth houre of the day, Rog. Houed. the sunne suffered a generall eclipse,Particular and not gene|rall, saith Ger. Dor. so that no part of it appea|red, and therwith followed great thunder with light|ning and sore tempest, with the violence whereof both men and beasts were destroied, and manie hou|ses burned.