Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, king Henrie went into Berrie, and tooke Chatean Roux or Raoul, and marching to|wards Castre, the lord of that towne came and met him on the waie, surrendring into his hands the daughter of Rafe de Dolis latelie before deceassed, whome the king gaue vnto Baldwine de Riuers, with the honour of Chateau Roux or Raoul. Then went he vnto Graundemont, where Audebert earle of March came vnto him, and sold to him the whole countrie of March for the summe of fifteene thou|sand pounds Anionin,The purchase of the erldome of March. twentie mules, and twentie palfreis. The charters of this grant and sale made and giuen vnder the seale of the said earle of March, bare date in the moneth of September Anno Chri|sti 1177. Then did the king receiue the fealtie and homages of all the barons and knights of the coun|trie of March, Anno Reg. 24. after he had satisfied, contented, and paid the monie vnto the earle according to the co|uenants.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king this yeare held his Christmas at Angi|ers, and meaning shortlie after to returne into Eng|land, he sent to the French king for letters of pro|tection, which were granted, and sent to him in forme as followeth.
5.1. The tenour of the French kings letters of protection.
The tenour of the French kings letters of protection.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 _LVdouicus rex Francorum, omnibus ad quos prae|sentes literae peruenerint salutem. Nouerit vni|uersitas vestra quòd nos recipimus in protectione & custodia nostra totam terram Henrici regis Angliae charissimi fratris nostri, in cismarinis partibus sitam, si contigerit eumin Angliam transfretare vel peregrè profici|sci. Ita planè, vt quãdo balliui sui de terra transmarina nos re|quisierint, bona fide & sine malo ingenio eis consilium & aux|ilium praestabimus, ad eiusdem terrae defensionem & protectio|nem. Actum apud Nicenas. The English wherof is thus.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Lewes king of France, to all those to whom these present letters shall come greeting. Know all ye that we haue receiued into our protection & custodie all the lands of Henrie king of England our deare bro|ther, lieng and being in the parts of this side the sea, if it chance him to passe ouer into England, or to go any waie foorth from home, so that when the bailiues of his lands on this hither side the sea shall require vs, we shall helpe them and counsell them faithfullie and without male-engine for defense and protecti|on of the same lands. Giuen at Nicens.