Compare 1577 edition: 1 The depar|ture of the legat foorth of the Realme.About the feast of Peter and Paule, the legat de|parted out of the realme, of whom we find that as he granted to the king some liberties against the priui|leges which the cleargie pretended to haue a right vnto:Liberties ob|teined for churchmen. so he obteined of the king certeine grants in fauour of them and their order, as thus.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 First, that for no offense, crime or transgression any spirituall person should be brought before a tem|porall iudge personallie, except for hunting, or for some laie fee, or that for which some temporall seruice was due to be yéelded, either to the king, or some o|ther that was cheefe lord thereof.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Secondlie, that no archbishops see, nor bishops sée, nor any abbaie should be kept in the kings hands more than one yeare, except vpon some euident cause or necessitie constreining.