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5.1. A breefe extract or clause of a letter which the pope sent to the clergie of England, &c: for the making of a new holie daie.

A breefe extract or clause of a letter which the pope sent to the clergie of England, &c: for the making of a new holie daie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _WE admonish you all, & by the autho|ritie which we reteine, doo streight|lie charge you, that you celebrat the daie of the suffering of the blessed man Thomas the glorious martyr, sometime archbishop of Canturburie, euerie yere in most solemne sort, & that with deuout praiers ye en|deuour your selues to purchase forgiuenes of sins; that he which for Christes sake suffered banishment in this life, and martyrdome in death by constancie of vertue, through conti|nuall supplication of faithful people, may make intercession for you vnto God.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The tenor of these letters were scarslie read, but euerie man with a lowd voice began to recite this psalme or hymne, Te Deum laudamus. Furthermore bicause his suffragans had not exhibited due reue|rence to him their father, either in time of his ba|nishment, or at his returne from the same, but ra|ther persecuted him; that they might openlie con|fesse their errour and wickednesse to all men, they made this collect: Be fauourable good Lord to our supplication and praier, A collect deui|sed in honor of the archbishop Becket. that we which acknowledge our selues guiltie of iniquitie, may be deliuered by the intercession of Thomas thy blessed martyr and bishop, Amen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This praier was vsed by the couent of S. Albons on the daie of his martyrdome. Thus

—caeca superstitionis
Est facilísque via & cunctis iam cognita saeclis.

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