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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But yet I find in other authors, that in this iour|nie king Henrie did not greatlie preuaile against his enimies, but rather lost manie of his men of warre, both horssemen and footmen: for by his seuere proceeding against them, he rather made them more eger to séeke reuenge, than quieted them in any tu|mult. They tooke the castell of Cardigan, Ger. Dor. Ran. Cogge. Cardigan ca|stell wonne by the Welshmen. and in be|sieging of Briges, the king was in no small danger of his life: for one of the enimies shooting directlie at him, had persed him through the bodie, if Hubert de Saint Clere conestable of Colchester,Hubert de S. Clere conesta|ble of Colche|ster. perceiuing the arrow comming, had not thrust himselfe betwixt the king and the same arrow, and so preseruing his maister, receiued the stripe himselfe, whereof he died presentlie after, beséeching the king to be good lord to one onelie daughter which he had, whome the king bestowed in mariage vpon William de Langualée,William de Langualée. togither with hir fathers inheritance, which William begat of hir a sonne that bare both his name and surname. ¶A president of gratitude & thankfulnes is here committed to memorie. And surelie the king could doo no lesse, than some way requite the ventu|rous courage and hartie zeale of the gentleman, who with the losse of his owne life preserued the king, if not from death, yet from some dangerous wound that might haue put him to extreame anguish and paine. This may incite men to be mindfull of bene|fits receiued, a vertue no lesse rare than the contra|rie is common, and as one saith,

Quidam sed rari, acceptorum qui meritorum
Assiduè memores, &c.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to conclude with this iourneie which king Henrie made at this time against the Welshmen, W. Paru [...]s. although by reason of the cumbersome difficulties of the places, he could not enter within the countrie so farre as he wished, yet he so impounded and constrei|ned them to kéepe within the woods and mountains, that they durst not come abroad, insomuch that at the length they were glad to sue for peace.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 William king of Scots,William king of Scots doth his homage to king Henrie. successor of Malcolme (who departed this life in the yeare last past) after he had receiued the crowne of Scotland, came about EEBO page image 74 this present time into England, and finding king Henrie at London, did his homage to him as his predecessour Malcolme had doone before. He made suit also to haue Northumberland restored vnto him, which the king of Englands mother the empresse had in times past giuen vnto king Dauid. But king Henrie gaue diuerse reasons to excuse himselfe whie he might not deliuer that countrie to him at that present, namelie, without consent of a parlement: where vpon king William perceiuing how the ma [...]|ter went, gaue ouer his suit for that present, meaning (when occasion serued) to attempt the getting thereof by force, sith that by praier and suit he sawe well in|ough he should not obteine it.

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