Compare 1577 edition: 1 Toward the end of the same yeare, Henrie the kings sonne receiued homage of the barons, first in Normandie, and after in England. In the yeare en|suing,The archbish. a better cour|tier than a preacher. the king his father committed him to archbi|shop Becket, that he might sée him brought vp and trained in maners and courtlie behauiour, as apper|teined to his estate: wherevpon the archbishop in iest called him his sonne.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The quéene brought to bed of a daughter. An enteruew.This yeare Quéene Elianor was brought to bed at Rohan of a daughter named Elianor.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In like maner the kings of England and France receiued pope Alexander the third at Cocie vpon Loire with all honor and reuerence, Anno Reg. 9. 1163 N. Triuet. insomuch that they attended vpon his stirrup on foot like pages or lackies, the one vpon his right side, and the other on his left.