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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Finallie, when he had set things at a staie in those parties, he returned towards Normandie, and com|ming to the citie of Toures, he gaue the order of knighthood vnto Malcolme king of Scotland, and so in the moneth of October he came backe into Nor|mandie, and there augmenting his armie with new supplies,The countie of Beaunoisin entred into the countie of Beau [...]oisin, bur|ned manie villages in the same, and destroied the strong castell of Gerberie, except one turret, which his souldiers could not take, by reason of the fire and smoke which staied and kept them from it. Moreouer, Simon earle of Auranches deliuered vnto king Henrie such fortresses as he held in France, as Roch|fort, Montfort, and such like, which was no small dis|commoditie and inconuenience to the French king, bicause the garisons placed in those fortresses im|peached the passage betwixt Paris and Orleance. But shortlie after, a truce was taken to last from the moneth of December,A truce taken Anno Reg. 6. vnto the feast of the holie Trinitie in the yeare next following.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the moneth of Maie also insuing, a peace was concluded vpon the former articles and conditions: for further confirmation whereof,

A peace con|cluded.

A marriage concluded.

the mariage was solemnized betwixt Henrie the kings sonne being seuen yeares of age, and the ladie Margaret daugh|ter to the French king, being not past three yeares old: Matth. Paris. as writers doo report. The marriage was cele|brated at Newborough on the second daie of No|uember,Legats. by the authoritie of two legats of the apo|stolike sée, Henrie bishop of Pisa, and William bi|shop of Pauia, both preests and cardinals.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the same time came certeine Dutchmen of the sort called Ualdoies ouer into this realme, Wil. Paruus. Certeine of the Ualdoies came into England be|ing Dutchmẽ. to the number of thirtie or more, who held opinions in reli|gion contrarie to the faith of the Romane church, for (as one author affirmeth) they which first spred the o|pinions which these men held, came from Gascoigne, and preuailed so greatlie in setting foorth their do|ctrine, that they mightilie increased through the large regions of Spaine, France, Italie, and Germanie: simple men (God wote) they were for the most part, as is written of them, and of no quicke capacitie. Howbeit, those which at this time came ouer into England, were indifferentlie well learned, and their principall or ringleader was named Gerard. Now also was a councell assembled at Oxford,A councell at Oxford. whereat these dogmatists were examined vpon certeine points of their profession. The forsaid Gerard vnder|taking to answere for them all, protested that they were good christians,The profes|sions of the Ualdoies. and had the doctrine of the apo|stles in all reuerence. Moreouer, being examined what they thought of the substance of the godhead and the merits of [...], they answered rightlie, and to the pointTheir exami|nation & pro|testation. but being further examined vpon o|ther articles of the religion then receiued, then swar| [...]ed from the church, and [...], in the vse of the di|uine sacraments, derogating such grace [...] the same, as the church by hir authoritie had then ascri|bed thereto. To conclude, they would in no wise re|nounce their opinionsThe Ualdels condemned. in somuch that they were condemned, burned in the fo [...]head with an hot iron, and in the cold season of winter [...]ipped naked from the girdle [...] vpward and so whipped out of the towne; with proclamation [...] that [...]o man should be so hardi [...] as to [...] them into any house [...] haue them with meat, drinke [...] any other kind of meanes:They are for|bidden meat and drinke. They are star|ued to death. wherevpon it fell out in fine that they were starued to dea [...] through cold and hunger: howbeit in this their affliction the [...] séemed to reioise in that they suffered for Gods c [...]se as they made account.

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