Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer king Henrie and Raimond earle of Barzelone met togither at Blaime,Raimond erle of Barzelone. Richard the kings sonne offered to erle Raimonds daughter. where they con|cluded a league by waie of allegiance, so that Ri|chard the sonne of king Henrie should take to wife the daughter of the said Raimond in time conueni|ent and that the king of England should giue vnto the said Richard the duchie of Aquitane, & the coun|tie of Poictow. This earle Raimond had married the daughter and heire of the king of Aragon.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, a secret grudge that had long depended betwéene king Henrie and king Lewes of France did still continue, and though there was a friendship agreed betweene them (as ye haue heard) to haue extinguished the same;A fained friendship. William duke of Aquitane. yet was it but a fai|ned friendship: for vpon euerie new occasion they were readie to breake againe, as it came to passe shortlie after.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 William duke of Aquitane, grandfather to queene Elianor, married the daughter and heire of the earle of Tholouze, and going vnto the warres of the holie land, he engaged that earledome vnto Raimond the earle of saint Giles, and died before he could returne.Earle of saint Giles other|wise Tho|louze. His sonne William, father to quéene Elianor, suf|fered his earledome to remaine still vnredéemed, ei|ther for want of sufficiencie, or through negligence and carelesnesse: so that the earle of saint Giles kée|ping possession thereof vnto his dieng daie, left it to his sonne Raimond, who inioyed it likewise. Now when king Lewes (hauing married the foresaid E|lianor) demanded restitution as in the right of his wife, earle Raimond flatlie at the first denied to re|store it, but after considering his lacke of power to resist the kings puissance, he plied the K. with hum|ble petitions, and so preuailed by faire words, that in the end king Lewes granted him his sister Con|stance in marriage (which Constance, as ye haue heard, was married before vnto Eustace the sonne of king Stephan) & with hir granted him libertie to reteine the earldome of Tholouze as it were by waie of endowment: whereto the other accorded. How|beit king Henrie hauing maried the foresaid quéene Elianor, Anno. Reg. 5. 1159 after the diuorse had betwixt hir and king Lewes, Matth. Paris. Matt. Westm. made claime to the said countie of Tho|louze in the right of his wife. Herevpon earle Rai|mond, trusting now to the aid of his brother in law king Lewes, denied to restore it; so that king Hen|rie determined to recouer it by force, and entring by and by into Gascoine with an armie, he drew to|wards the countrie of Tholouze, & began to inuade the same with great force and courage.