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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now king Stephan hearing that the king of Scots, and his aduersarie the lord Henrie with the chéefest lords of the west parts of England lay thus in Carleil, he raised an armie, and came to the citie of Yorke, where he remained for the most part of the moneth of August,K. Stephan with an armie commeth to Yorke. fearing least his enimies should attempt the winning of that citie. But after the one part had remained a time in Carleil, and the other in Yorke, they departed from both those places without any further exploit for that season, sauing that Eu|stachius king Stephans sonne (hauing also latelie receiued the order of knighthood) did much hurt in the countries which belonged to those Noble men that were with the lord Henrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The great raine that fell in the summer season this yeare did much hurt vnto corne standing on the ground, Matth. Paris. Great raine. so that a great dearth followed. In the win|ter also after, about the tenth day of December, it began to fréese extreamelie, and so continued till the nineteenth of Februarie:A sore frost. wherby the riuer of Thames was so frosen, that men might passe ouer it both on foot and horssebacke.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane while Henrie Duke of Normandie, Anno Reg. 15. 1150 after he had returned from the king of the Scots, sailed backe into Normandie, about the beginning of August, leauing England full of all those calami|ties, which ciuill warre is accustomed to bring with it, as burning of houses, killing, robbing, and spoi|ling of people, so that the land was in danger of vtter destruction, by reason of that pestilent discord.

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