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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time the archbishops men and te|nants were sore oppressed, and his rents and reue|nues seized to the kings vse, yea euen before the daies of paiment. Which maner of proceeding sore gréeued the archbishop: in so much that departing from S. Omers, he came to Graueling, and there ta|king the sea, crossed ouer to a towne called Goseford that belonged vnto Hugh Bigot erle of Northfolke: which earle receiued him with great honour, and sent him all necessarie prouision, so long as he remained in his countrie. At the terme appointed, he interdic|ted all the kings dominions, and would not reuoke the sentence, till Robert bishop of London, Hilarie bishop of Chichester, and William bishop of Nor|wich, with manie other Noblemen, came to him vn|to Framelingham in Northfolke, a castell appertei|ning to the said earle, where at length an attonment was concluded betwixt him and the king: wherevp|on he was brought home vnto Canturburie with great ioy and honor.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 He accused the moonks of Canturburie, for diso|beieng the interdiction, trusting that the pope would not heare those two moonkes whom they had sent, as he did not indéed. He excommunicated also all those that had receiued the sacraments amongst them, du|ring the time of the interdiction. Now these moonkes being at their wits end, dispatched with all speed o|ther two moonkes to the pope, to obteine an absoluti|on, before the archbishop should vnderstand it: but they were sent backe againe with checks, and com|manded to obeie their archbishop in all things, as the other were, which had béene there with him be|fore.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The moonks of Canturburie that were sent to Rome, returning, came from thence to Bullongne, Geruasius. Anno Reg. 13. 1148 where they found those that were first sent thither: and so they all foure came to Canturburie. The pope also had sent a priuie commandement to the archbi|shop, EEBO page image 58 that he should duelie punish as well them as the other. Wherevpon the archbishop taking counsell with his fréends, deposed Syluester the prior, and sus|pended William the secretarie of the house from en|tring the quéere. It was decreed also, that the residue should cease so long a time from saieng seruice, as they had said it before vnlawfullie, against the arch|bishops commandement. For it was thought reason, that whilest other sang and were merrie, they should keepe silence, which wilfullie tooke vpon them to sing, whilest other held their peace and were still. They began therefore to cease from saieng diuine seruice, and from ringing their bels in the second wéeke of Lent: & so kept silence from the twelfe day of March, vntill the first day of August.

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