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Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 33Soone after, both the brethren approching néere togither, ech of them pitched their campe within the sight of other, preparing themselues to giue battell with princelie stomachs.They ioine in battell. The king surmounting the duke his brother in number, first bringeth foorth his men in order of battell, and streightwaies the duke likewise, bo [...]h being readie to trie the matter by dint of sword. Then the one prouoking the other, and the trumpets sounding aloft, the conflict began. The kings souldiers trusting too much in their owne force, by reason of their great multitude, brake their arraie, and assailed their enimies on ech side verie disorderlie: but the Normans being wiselie orde|red and instructed by their duke, kept themselues close togither: so that the kings battell, which had without order stept foorth to assaile them, finding sturdie resistance, began now to result or giue backe: for not onelie duke Robert but also William earle of Mortaigne preased foreward amongst their men, and fought valiantlie with their owne hands. Wher|vpon the king, when he perceiued how his men be|gan to shrinke, cried vpon them to staie, and withall commanded his horssemen to breake vppon the flanks of his enimies battell: which they did, with such violence that they disparkled the same, and cau|sed the enimies to scatter. Herewith also the kings foot men,The Nor|mans van|quished. togither with the horssemen inuaded the Normans afresh, who neuerthelesse resisted a while, till being compassed about in maner on euerie side, they began to flee: as oftentimes it chanceth, when a few driuen in sunder by a multitude, are assailed on all sides. The king then hauing vanquished his ad|uersaries, followeth the chase, and maketh great slaughter of them, though not without some losse of his owne: for the Normans despairing of safetie, turned oftentimes againe vpon their pursuers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Mortaigne.Duke Robert and the earle of Mortaigne fighting most manfullie in the verie prease of their enimies, were taken, or (as other saie) betraied, and deliuered into their enimies hands: Eadmerus. W. Crispine. W. Ferreis. Robert de E|stoutuille. The number slaine. beside which twaine, Wil|liam Crispine, William Ferreis, Robert Estout|uille the elder, with foure hundreth men of armes, and to the number of 10. thousand footmen were ta|ken. As for the number that were slaine in this bat|tell, there is none that declareth the certeintie: but yet it is reported by diuers writers, that no one bat|tell in those daies was sorer fought, nor with greater bloudshed either in Normandie, or elsewhere.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Gemeticensis sheweth breeflie, that king Henrie was offended with his brother duke Robert, Gemeticensis. for ali|enating the duchie of Normandie his inberitance, & for wasting his reuenues with such riotous demea|nour as he vsed, so that he left himselfe nothing but the citie of Roan, which he had not passed to haue gi|uen awaie also, if the citizens would thereto haue granted their consent. The king (I saie) taking dis|pleasure herewith, went ouer into Normandie, and assuming a mightie power, first besieged Baieur, & then halfe destroieng it, he tooke it by force. After this he tooke Caen also, and then besieged a castell called Tenerchbray perteining to the earle of Mortaigne, during which siege his brother Robert, and the said earle of Mortaigne came with a great multitude of people in hope to be reuenged of the king, and to chase him out of the countrie. But the punishment of God fell so vpon them, that they were both taken, and manie of their freends with them, as Robert de Estoutuille, William de Crispine, and others, who were brought before king Henrie as prisoners. ¶ Thus did almightie God grant vnto the king a no|table victorie without bloodshed, for he lost not a man: as for his aduersaries, there died in the field not past three score persons.

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