Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 28Long it was yer Anselme would come ouer, bi|cause he doubted to be had in suspicion of an am|bitious desire in seeking to be made archbishop of Canturburie. For it was talked that if he went o|uer into England, he should surelie be elected before he returned into Normandie. But at length so it chanced, that the foresaid Hugh earle of Chester fell sicke, and despairing of life, sent with all spéed to An|selme, requiring him most instantlie to come ouer to him lieng in extremitie of sickenesse; adding, that if he hasted no [...] the sooner, it would be too late, where|of he would after repent him. Then Anselme, for that he might not faile his fréend in such necessitie, came ouer, and gaue order to the abbeie, according as it séemed best to him for the establishment of reli|gion there.
Thus farre William Rufus.Henrie the first, yoongest sonne to William the Conquerour.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _HEnrie the yoon|gest sonne to Willi|am the first, brother to Rufus latelie de|parted, Anno Reg. 1. 1100. the first of that name that ru|led heere in Eng|land, & for his know|ledge in good lite|rature surnamed Beauclerke, was admitted king by the whole assent of the lords and commons, and began his reigne ouer England the first of August, in the yeare after the creation of the world 1067. after the birth of our Sauiour 1100. and 44. of the emperour Henrie the fourth, Paschall the second then gouerning the sée of Rome, which was about the 51. yeare of Philip the first of that name king of France, and in the beginning of the reigne of Edgar king of Scotland. Wil. Thorne. Geruasius Do|robernensis. This king was consecrated and crowned at Westminster, the fift daie of August, by Thomas archbishop of Yorke, and Maurice bishop of London, bicause at that time An|selme archbishop of Canturburie was exiled. This prince had aforehand trained the people to his humor and veine, in bringing them to thinke well of him, and to conceiue a maruellous euill opinion of his brother duke Robert, Matth. Paris. persuading them moreouer, that she said duke was likelie to prooue a sharpe and rigorous gouernour, if he once obteined the crowne and dominion of the land. Moreouer, he caused to be reported for a certeine truth, that the same Robert was alreadie created king of Ierusalem. And ther|fore considering that the kingdome of Palestine (as the rumor ran) was of greater reuenues than that of England, there was no cause why they shuld staie for him, who would not willinglie leaue the greater for the lesser. By which meanes the Nobilitie and Commons were the sooner persuaded to decline from the election of the said Robert, and to receiue his brother Henrie for their lawfull king, who on the other side ceased not to promise mountaines, till his enterprise tooke effect; and then at leisure paied some of them with molhils: as by the sequele of the sto|rie shall more at large appéere.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This Henrie therefore comming thus to the crowne, considered furthermore with himselfe, that hereafter, when his eldest brother Robert should re|turne, and vnderstand how the matter was brought about, he would thinke himselfe to haue had much wrong, and béene verie euill dealt withall, sith that as well by birthright, as also by agreement made with his brother William Rufus, he ought of right to be preferred, and therevpon would not faile but make earnest claime against him.The king [...]keth to win the peoples fauour. Wherefore yer he should come home out of the holie land (where he then remained) the king studied by all possible meanes how to gratifie all the states of his realme, & to plant in their harts some good opinion of him. And first of all he reformed such things as his brother had left verie preiudiciall to the estate of the church, setting the same frée which before was s [...]re oppressed. And furthermore, somwhat to reléeue the cõmon-wealth, he promised to restore the lawes of good king Ed|ward, Simon Dun. Hen. Hunt. Matth. Paris. and to abolish or amend those which by his fa|ther and brother were alreadie ordeined to the hurt & preiudice of the old ancient liberties of the realme of England.Anselme cal|led home. He reuoked Anselme the archbishop of Canturburie out of exile, who fled (as yee haue heard) to auoid the wrath of king William. More|ouer, he placed in the see of Winchester, Wil. Malm. William Gif|ford bishop of Winchester. Hen. Hunt. one Willi|am Gifford, a graue and discréet person, and also or|deined moonkes of honest reputation to be abbats in certeine abbeis which had beene long void, and in the hands of William his brother: in like maner he re|mitted certeine paiments which his brother and pre|decessour had caused to be raised by waie of taxes and customes. Besides this, on the 8. daie of Sep|tember,
Rafe bishop of Durham com|mitted to the Tower.
Simon Dun. The first or|deining of the yard measure. Wil. Malm.
he committed Rafe bishop of Durham to the Tower of London, by whose lewd counsell his said brother being seduced, had in his life time doone manie oppressions to his people. He ordeined also that one length of measuring should be vsed through this realme, which was a yard, appointing it to be cut after the length of his owne arme. Manie other things he redressed, to the contentation and commo|ditie of his subiects, who gaue God thanks that he had in such wise deliuered them out of the hands of cruell extortioners.