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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherefore being put in a maruellous feare, they withdrew themselues aside, but yet straightwaies they deuised a shift wherewith they had beene well acquainted before,The meane to pacifie ye king. as followeth. They presented to the king a great masse of monie to appease his wrath, and so thereby were restored to his fauour.The stiffenes of Anselme in withstanding the kings pleasure. Anselme notwithstanding was obstinate in his opi|nion, so that in the end, the sentence touching this controuersie betwixt him and the king, was respited till the octaues of Pentecost next insuing. All this was notified well inough to the pope, who vsed the matter with such moderation, Matth. Paris. that by secret aduer|tisements giuen, he tooke awaie from his brethren all rigorous waies of procéedings, saieng;

Dum furor in cursu est, currenti cede furori.
But yet the kings enmitie towards Anselme was openlie declared, and that chéefelie for the deniall of the monie which he demanded; but at length he got it, though not with any frée hart or goodwill of the archbishop: insomuch that the king reputed him giltie of treason. Within a few daies after, Wal|ter bishop of Alba, bringing to him his pall, verie wiselie reconciled the pope and the king. Not|withstanding all this, Anselme could not purchase the kings goodwill to his contentment, though he wiselie dissembled for the time: so that when the bishop of Alba should returne to Rome, he made sute for licence to go with him. Neuerthelesse, the king offered him, that if he would desist from his purpose, and sweare vpon the euangelists neither to go to Rome, nor to appeale in any cause to the popes court, he might and should liue in quietnesse frée EEBO page image 26 from all danger:
but if he would not be so contented, he might and should depart at his perill, without hope to returne hither againe. Ead [...]eru [...].
For surelie (saith he) if he go, I will seize the archbishoprike into mine owne hands, and receiue him no more for archbishop.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anselme herewith departing from the court, came to Canturburie, declaring openlie what had bin said vnto him, and immediatlie sought to flee out of the realme in the night, prouiding for himselfe a shi [...] at Douer. But his purpose being reuealed to the king, one William Warlewast the kings seruant was sent after him, Fabian. and finding him readie to depart, tooke from him all that he had, & gaue him a free pas|port out of the land. Anselme repairing to Rome, made vnto pope Urban a greeuous information a|gainst the king, Matth. Paris. Anselme com|ming to Rome complaineth of the king. declaring into what miserable state he had brought the Realme, and that for want of as|sistance in his suffragans it laie not in him to re|forme the matter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Indéed we find not that any of the bishops held with Anselme in the controuersie betwixt him and the king, Ranulph bishop of Chichester excepted, who both blamed the king, and rebuked all such bishops as had refused to stand with Anselme, and fauoured the king in cases concerning the foresaid variance. Moreouer, the same bishop of Chichester withstood the king and his officers in taking fines of préests for the crime of fornication;Ranulfe bi|shop of Chi|chester. by reason of which presumpti|on, the king became sore offended with him, & found meanes to suspend many churches of his diocesse. Howbeit in the end, the bishop demeaned himselfe in such wise, that he had his owne will, and his church doores were opened againe, which had béene stopped vp before with thornes.Finess of préests that had wiues as by some wri|ters it séemed. Besides this, the king was contented, that the said bishop should haue the fines of préests in crimes of fornication within his dio|cesse, and enioy many other priuileges in right of his church. But how beneficiall so euer he was vnto the see of Chichester, Polydor. true it is (as Polydor writeth) that he let out diuers abbeies, and the bishoprike of Win|chester and Salisburie, with the archbishoprike of Canturburie vnto certeine persons that farmed the same at his hands for great summes of monie, in so much that (beside the said sees of Canturburie, Win|chester, and Salisburie, which at the time of his death he kept in his hands) he also receiued the profits of eleuen abbeies which he had let out, or otherwise tur|ned to his most aduantage.

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