Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this kings daies also liued Osmond the se|cond bishop of Salisburie,Salisburie vse. who compiled the church seruice, which in times past they commonlie called after Salisburie vse.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The vse of the long bowe (as Iohn Rous testifieth) came first into England with this king William the Conquerour:Shooting. for the English (before that time) vsed to fight with axes and such hand weapons: and therefore in the oration made by the Conquerour be|fore he gaue battell to king Harold, the better to en|courage his men, he told them they should encounter with enimies that wanted shot.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the yeare of our Lord 1542. Monsieur de Ca|stres bishop of Baieulx and abbat of Saint Estien|ne in Caen, caused the sepulchre of this William to be opened, wherein his bodie was found whole, faire and perfect; of lims, large and big; of stature and per|sonage, longer than the ordinarie sort of men: with a copper plate fairlie gilt, and this epitaph therevpon ingrauen:
that is;Qui rexit rigidos Normannos, atque BritannosAudacter vicit, fortiter obtinuit,Et Coenomenses virtute contudit enses,Imperij suilegibus applicuit,EEBO page image 16Rex magnus parua iacet hac Guilhelmus in vrna:Sufficit & magno parua domus domino,Ter septem gradibus se voluerat at duobusVirginis in gremio Phoebus, & hic o [...]ijt:
Thus far William Conquerour.Who ouer Normans rough did rule,and ouer Britons boldDid conquest stoutlie win, and con|questwoone did stronglie hold:Who by his valure great the fa|tallvprores calmd in maine,And to obeie his powers and lawes,the Manceaux did constraine:This mightie king within this lit|tlevault intoomed lies,So great a lord sometime, W. Patten collecteth this to be the 23. after the sun was in Virgo: which is the 6 of Septẽber so smalla roome dooth now suffice.When three times seuen and two by iustdegrees the sunne had tookeHis woonted course in Virgos lap,then he the world forsooke.